What should the next Doctor Be?

ray gower

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2001
All of the Doctors have been radically different to each other, although all the characteristics have been there in all variants to a greater or lesser degree.

We've had the ferocious Grand-father type with a heart of gold.
The scruffy clown who never quite knew what was going on.
A meticulously dressed dandy, who was a bit of a show off.
A self-confident but bumbling eccentric. The 'They won't shoot, we're British," type?
School boy fresh, languid action man.
Brash, dynamic and highly conceited
And the more care worn, deep feeling one.

So what characteristics should they try to bring up in the new Doctor?
I would go for a female Doctor! Joanna Lumley would be my #1 choice.I would go for intellegent,able to handle herself in a fight,and able to exploit her good looks.Colin.<*>.
The next Doctor...

I'd like the next Doctor to be older, not elderly but to have some gray hairs on head.
Kind of a wise father figure, though can still take care of himself in a pinch.

Sort of a cross between the age of Troughton and the attitudes of Hartnell (Doctors 2 and 1)?

It could work.

Who ever it is must remain eccentrically British and a little old fashioned. I think that was the main problem with the film version, he was rather a mid no-where Doctor and it takes more than a bag of jelly babies to give him eccentricity and character.
Yeah exactly.

Little bit of Pertwee too.

If someone's not right about something, enemy or companion alike, let him give a cry of "rubbish" or "poppycock" or "twaddle".

Think Doctor Leonard "Bones" McCoy from Star Trek

Originally posted by ray gower
Who ever it is must remain eccentrically British and a little old fashioned.

But, without copying any of the older versions. He must be quirky, but an individual. I think some of the later Doctors tried to work to some kind of formulae... Strange clothes, weird appearance, odd mannerisms... that's where they fell down.

Any good character actor should be able to produce a good 'new' Doctor.
Most TV shows need some good character actors, for Doctor Who it needs something a touch more, because he is the centre of the show.

Remembering that Doctor Who is supposedly a childrens show, it strikes me that, with the exception of Colin Baker, all of the Doctors have been largely comedy biased too, which seems to help them give the character that larger than life impression.

They all had something a little disagreeable about them, but we could like him despite that. I think that is why older (aged) Doctors always have the edge over their young compatriots. There is the Grandad factor to make him loveable?

Meanwhile Colin Baker, as a serious actor, pushed the boat a little too far. He veered on the edge of being thoroughly unlikeable. The shows were much harder and darker than the Davidson years, closer to the originals.
A comment in 'Who Should Be The Next Doctor' from Gr8scott made me wonder.

Perhaps the Doctor ought to be a little like the late Professor Magnus Pike?

For those who've never heard of him he was an archetypal mad professor type who tended to be highly animated when he talked; much waving of arms as he explained the science behind how an aeroplane worked and such.
I started thinking along similar lines. An outrageously animated mad scientist type would be interesting. Would it be too melodramatic? Would it kill the serious side of the show?

Maybe a calmed down mad scientist that was slightly over animated. Tom Baker kinda fit that description.
I've heard people mention Joanna Lumly before. Personally I think this would be a mistake. We know from Romana's days that the female timelords are quite different to the males, and can change their appearance at will. Making the Doctor female, is too far removed from the Dr Who folklore we have seen to date.

The other popular favourite used to be Stephen Fry. I guess he would certainly have all the characteristics we would want. (this always made me think of Hugh Laurie as well, who I think could be just as good)

The latest rumours I heard was that there would be an animated series launched this year with Richard E.Grant as the Doctor. (not sure how true this is)

Personally I think Paul McGann deserves another go. I thought he was quite good, dispite the awful hollywood production design of the film.

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