Sean Astin- Maybe spoilers (ROTK)


Admiral Adama
Aug 19, 2003
Sean Astin- Maybe spoilers

I think that he did a good job as Sam, but not good enogh to get an award for. Sam is one of the boringest charecters, along with Frodo in my opinion. I think the award for best supporting actor should go to someone like merry, or pippin, who are alot more interesting. I really hope that miranda otto wins and Award, she did and awsome job. Well, who else feels this way?
Would that be an award for the character, or the way the character is portrayed?

For my tupence I'd say it is about time that acting ability was noted.

The way Astin played Sam was a powerful character portrayal, far better than Marry and Pippin, whilst the portrayal of Frodo's slide into desperation was not far behind.

But I think Smeagol/Gollum was better still?
Acting awards are based on how well the actor acts (at least in theory, ignoring the entertainment politics) and not how intersting the character they play is. Many people, including myself, think he did an incredible job expressing the heartwrench and determination of Sam as he looked after Frodo and tried to finish the quest. IMO, he was the best actor in the movie.

You find Sam and Frodo boring? Even more boring than "Mr states the obvious" Legolas, with his two facial expressions? Oh well, not everyone can like all the characters.

I agree with you about Miranda Otto, I thought she did a pretty good job as Eowyn with the limited screentime she got.
I absolutely HATE Frodo and Sam, Merry and Pippin are the best hobbits, I really like Gollum. I started to like sam after playing the video gamelol. Legolas and Gimli are awsome, I wish they had more of them in the ROTK. Above all I like Gandalf, Ian Mckellen (SP?) did a great job with playing Gandalf. Galadriel and Eowyn are a close second.
I thought Sean did an outstanding job of portraying out stout-hearted little Sam. There were some scenes that obviously needed to be more fleshed out, but hopefully will be in the extended edition.

All the actors did an outstanding job with the material they had. The roles of Legolas and Gimli were so limited in ROTK, but then, the end of the quest and Aragorn's rise to his birthright were what had to take center stage in this one, so something had to be trimmed. Gandalf's role seemed to be trimmed, too, but if it hadn't, we'd have been sitting through a four hour movie.

Dave, just think. The extended edition is going to be adding a reported 55 extra minutes of footage! :eek:

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