3.14: Stratagem


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Staff member
Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town
Archer finds himself face-to-face with Degra, the designer of the Xindi superweapon, and tries to trick him into revealing its location.

This episode follows straight on from the events in 'Proving Ground', it is expected to feature strong action sequences and interesting make-up effects, including one that will be enhanced optically in post-production:

Involving a worm crawling under Degra's skin.

Do you remember 'Mission Impossible'?

They used to do this kind of thing on a weekly basis. Degra must be particularly thick to fall for the trick twice though!

In that respect, it reminded me a little of Moriaty in 'Ship in a Bottle' TNG, but actually I think it was totally original concept for 'Star Trek' which seems to be hard to do with so much Trek already. And all done without the aid of a Holodeck.

The story fits in nicely with the arc they are going to set up in the next few episodes, with the information they got here leading them to Azati Prime, and from there into direct conflict with the Xindii.

I liked this one. You see I do like some, that's two in a row. :D
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