And They Lived Happily Ever After!

ray gower

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2001
Voyager has returned home, no more Hirogen, pathological holo-grams or anything else.

Do our ex-heroes settle down to live happily ever after, like they do in all the best fairy stories. Or will they suffer in trying to live an ordinary life?

For my part I think:-

Captain Kathryn Janeway I think is going to have the hard job, with least prospect of getting out of it.
For seven years she has been the ultimate authority. Now, even if she is made an admiral, there are people looking over her shoulder.
It is going to be a huge step to slow down from that! Although she might be able to live with it for a while, perhaps even revel in the simplicity, She will soon come to resent the control.
On a more personal level. She has no betrothed. Even if she still had, there is no chance it would last. Whilst rose flavoured glasses would like a chance with Chakotay, he might help her settle a little. I cannot actually see it working. I see little more than a spinster future.
Didn't Chakotay shack up with Seven then? :D

There is a popular series of books that examines this subject, I think it's called 'Homecoming'. Maria rates them in the 'Read any GOOD Star Treks books' thread in the 'merchandise' forum.
According to Homecoming - Seven and Chakotay don't last.

As for Janeway - i agree about her having difficulty not always being in charge. Maybe she can do what Picard did and refuse to be an admiral so at least she can still have a ship and crew to be in command of.

In her personal life, she might not have a partner eagerly awaiting her return but that doesn't mean she can't find a relationship with someone new, after she gets used to being back on Earth. After all she had a few romances on Voyager - no reason to think she's given up on the idea.

(I'm desperately trying to believe in the Happily Ever After thing - not that you could tell or anything :D)
It was Maria's book comments that prompted the thread. Wanted to see how many people had thoughts on the subject, considering the rather curtailed ending to the series.

Don't think there is anything wrong with a 'Happily Ever After' scenario. Just not sure how many would actually have one.

In the case of Cap'n Kate, I don't think being merely a Captain will be enough. Merely ploding around the Federation following instructions, even as guidelines and requests, is going to be a big climb down after seven years where there were no instructions of any shape or form.

Seven of Nine is another one that will struggle. There will be a battalion of scientists and doctors wanting to disect her to find what makes ex-Borg tick and how much she really knows. I'm none too sure Chakotay could weild enough clout to protect her from that.
Unless she has some far reaching science post, she would become bored.
The less said about Chuckles and 7o9 as a pairing the better. The only reason it would make sense is desperation.

The good news characters are I think:
Kim, who would be happy know he is back in the promotion race. And once he has four pips his choice of available females is huge and he won't have to face the command 'Remove your clothes'.

Tuvok, especially as he is no longer bound for the funny farm. I could see him leaving Star Fleet again and returning to Vulcan as some form of scientist. Let's face it he was never much of a weapons officer.

The Doctor. Though I think now he has rights he might find the battle of being accepted is even more difficult than it was as a plain hologram. As in End Game, it is quite possible he'll find some dumb blonde.

Paris/Torres I've already bounced around in another thread.

I could quite see Cap'n Kate becoming so disenchanted with her new 'steady' job she would take her new ship, as many of her old crew as were unable to settle down and disappear back towards the Delta Quadrant.

That I think would be a 'Happy Ever After' scenario for her!
hey, what about Reg Barclay? He's almost a member of the crew -at least the Voyage lot treat him better than Picard's ever did :D So what do we think?

Now that Voayger is back - is he gonna happily make friends and move on with his life. Or once he realises that they're not gonna behave the same way as his holosimulation, will he revert back to being obsessed with that?
Well we allready know from Nemesis that Auntie Kathy is already settled down as an admiral. Being the only Starfleet captain to have plotted the delta quadrant and being in sole command for seven years, I doubt starfleet would let her knowledge and experience go to waste back on a starship. It's not like the old days of Kirk when he could manipulate starfleet command to get his ship back.

My question would be what happened to the maquis crew. Surely they would still be wanted by the authorities, even if their charges were greatly reduced for their help on Voyager.

Paris would probably not be re-instated into starfleet officially and he would obviously settle down with Torres (which is what I'm sure he would prefer)

Harry would already be leutenant if not commander on another ship.

I would imagine Tuvok returning home to Vulcan as well, the only other thing I could see him doing would be to work for Janeway in some advisary capacity.

Seven I could see as a lecturer at starfleet acadamy or something (obviously after she's been poked and prodded enough by the doctors)

I dont believe the doctor has total rights as a sentient being yet, although he's had some consessions from starfleet, I would see him persuing this fully and becoming a Martin Luther King of holograms
Janeway is an admiral and she might be stuck behind a desk....but for how long? before she gets the need to destroy something? I would not put it past her to manipulate starfleet into getting exactly what she wants.

As for her and chumpotay....I dont think so! she has way more sense than that. I know it got close in when they had to stay behind on that planet but he was the last man on the planet! at some point desperation may have started getting the better of her but even then she held out.
