A Marvel/DC team up


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2004
I had the idea of comics called Justice League/Marvel Knights. Dr. Doom with other Marvel villains are at war with Vandal Savage and DC villains in league with him. They fight each other for world domination. In league with Dr. Doom are the sinister 6 (Dr. Octopus, Electro, The Vulture, Mysterio, Chameleon and Hobgoblin) and the symbiotes (from the New Life Foundation and 2 of them are females). In league with Vandal Savage are Bane, Eclipso, Live Wire, Thorn, Solomon Grundy, Deadshot and Parasite.

Venom vs. Carnage. Venom defeats Carnage with a sonic gun. The sonic gun falls out of Venom's hands when he battles Colonel Vox. Colonel Vox knocks the symbiote off of Eddie Brock. The symboite disappers. Nazis capture Eddie Brock.

Dr. Doom goes to war with Vandal Savage and the super heroes from both Marvel Comics and DC Comics fight to break up this war.


Iron Fist vs. Solomon Grundy

The Punisher vs. Colonel Vox

Daredevil vs. Deadshot

Spider-Man vs. Bane

Luke Cage vs. Parasite

Moon Knight vs. Eclipso

Black Widow vs. Live Wire

Dagger vs. Thorn

Batman, Green Lantern, and The Flash vs. Dr. Octopus with Hobgoblin, Mysterio, Electro, The Vulture and Chameleon

Hawk Girl, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter and Superman vs. the symbiotes (Wonder Woman and Hawk Girl battle the 2 women symbiotes)

The Final battles

The Justice League (Wonder Woman, Hawk Girl, Superman, Batman, The Flash and Martian Manhunther) and Marvel Knights (Luke Cage, Spider-Man, Black Widow, Dagger, Moon Knight, Iron Fist and Daredevil) vs. Nazis and Doom Bots.

The Punisher vs. Vandal Savage

Green Lantern vs. Doctor Doom

These are ideas on comics or a graphic novel. It would be interesting to have The Punisher try to kill Vandal Savage and doesn't realize that Vandal Savage is immortal. Savage tells The Punisher that he is immortal and The Punisher believes Vandal Savage to be crazy.
Okay. Some of those would work.
The question is, when are you going to sharpen your pencil to produce them?
How about the JLA versus the Sinister Six?

I am not the moderator of this board, but I highly doubt this thread will be removed due to the following quote from the "Forum RULES" (a link to it is located on the upper left side of your screen):

"You may not demand any forum content to be deleted – if you do not wish your content to be posted, you should not publish it to the forums in the first place."

It is a good idea, and there is no reason you need to feel that you would have to write it yourself. I mean, technically, fan fiction, unless a parody, has some immense copyright issues, anyway, we all like a bit of brainstorming. :)

I know that DC/Marvel has gone through a few phases of team-ups/fighting between the companies (I have the graphic novel version of the one that happened in the late '90s), and, while I think the idea is a cool one, they (the writers) seem to never build an intrigueing premise as to why they are all meeting.

But that is just a detail, isn't it? I wouldn't mind seeing Dr. Doom, a personal favorite of mine, tear up the DC universe. For one, Doom could teach Lex a few things.

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If they would just get away from the fact that their competing one another, they MIGHT just do some good work.
Trouble is with Marvel/DC crossovers, save for Superman most of the DC heroes and Villians aren't strong enough to go up against the likes of Spider-man and the Hulk etc.

i am a huge Batman fan (post crisis), and as much as i'd like to see Spider-man apprehend his enemies into gotham city and encounter some of Batman's foes, Unless INCREDIBLY well written Spider-man would have it easy.

Nevertheless, i do enjoy a good crossover =) ive been wanting to do a Batman vs Dr Octopus/Spider-man vs Joker Fanart piece for ages now.
Being a MASSIVE Doc Ock Fan, and a member of Deviant art, i have never seen anything of the like. When my course slows down i WILL do that fanpic =D
I have some vague recollection of Marvel and DC having some editions where the characters showed up together - or am I thinking of American League playing the National League in regular season baseball??

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