Who first dubbed Anise "Tok'ra Spice"?


a.k.a. Super Shipper
Dec 27, 2003
I have heard many people refer to the beautiful Tok'ra Anise as "Tok'ra Spice" (for obvious reasons, LOL :kisses:). Who was the person first to dub her this? Was it on a DVD commentary or something that I missed?


SamFan :wave:
I could be wrong (and probably am:D), but I think that was started in the Defacing Images thread.

I much prefer the Tok'ra Barbie one tho. Brain by Tok'ra, Body by Mattel.

Originally posted by KatDonovan
I much prefer the Tok'ra Barbie one tho. Brain by Tok'ra, Body by Mattel.

*Luv* it! I'd never heard that one before!

LOL! SamFan :wave:
I'm not sure because they do use the phrase "Tok'ra spice" on the DVD special features. How did they find out?:rolly2:

Originally posted by Thor39
I'm not sure because they do use the phrase "Tok'ra spice" on the DVD special features. How did they find out?

If it was on the DVD special features, then TPTB (The Powers That Be) probably started it. BTW, which DVD was that on? Thanx!

SamFan :wave:
Not sure actually, season 4-5 Somewhere in-between, when I come to it I will let you know:rolly2:
Originally posted by SamFan
If it was on the DVD special features, then TPTB (The Powers That Be) probably started it.

I wouldn't be so sure, please give us some credit here, TPTB do actually read these boards and we certainly started calling Jonas 'The New Guy' (TNG) long before they used it. :D

There are certainly Stargate SG-1 production staff who are members here. The writers and actors I couldn't be certain if they visit, but they all value feedback from fans, and internet bulletin boards are the quickest way to get that. At least I've read quotes from Star Trek actors and from Brannon Braga (executive producer) that they tour boards like this.
Originally posted by Thor39
whats tptb the makers?

TPTB ("The Powers That Be") are the writers, directors, and producers.

SamFan :wave:

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