problems accessing gateworld


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2001
Does anyone know why Gateworld's server has been playing up so much this week - I couldnt get in for two days and then yesterday I finally got in - answered one reply to a posting and when I hit send - the server logged me out instead!

I'ts not just the forums - I'm having trouble with the news section as well - and today its down again?

If any Gateworlders are lurking who know why?

P.S> if shadowmaat is lurking - this is why I've not answered your reply yet!
Maybe it's a Goa'uld or NID conspiracy - since the Ausgate SG-1 quiz site is having problems too...
A few weeks ago, or so, Gateworld had a problem, something to do with DNS (don't ask me what that is). Anyway, ever since then, an increasing number of people have had trouble accessing the site. I'm not sure what the problem is, but it's a site problem, as I get that problem trying to access it from different computers, different locations.
I've had better luck accessing it in the last three days. Maybe they fixed something....

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