from Ananova
Sci-fi fan gets Spock ears
A sci-fi fan in China has had plastic surgery to give himself ears like Star Trek's Dr Spock.
The young man astonished surgeons in Nanjing by telling them he wanted alien-like pointy ears.
He told them he was bored with the shape of his ears and wanted to make them a 'more interesting' shape.
Plastic surgeons tried to talk the man out of the idea but he was adamant and the operation went ahead, the Yangtze Evening News reported.
Cosmetic surgery has boomed in popularity in China in recent years but the operation in Nanjing is believed to be the first of its kind.
In the '60's women found Spock incredibly sexy, but I think that was more to do with him being intelligent, his protective strength, and his coolness, not because of the ears. The late SF writer Isaac Asimov called Spock a security blanket with sexual overtones.
Do you think they can do Legolas ears too?