I think that is a statement you will have to qualify!
There are more than a few who would put the best as TOS, TNG or even DS9.
IMHO, Voyager managed a lot of strong, individual and emotional stories. Some were (or felt) original in concept. So they certainly did better than Enterprise has to date.
But very few of those stories tied together into any form of progression or storyline, Enterprise is fairing a little better here.
Voyager felt no pressing desire to visit Earth in 1940 to wipe out Nazism. Plus 100 points for that.
-90 for the fact they couldn't leave the time hopping out all together!
Voyager did have 7o9, ignoring the obvious, she is one of the most fascinating genuine 'characters' they have had on Trek since Spock. Something that the T'Pot can't achieve.
But the detractors will point out it was a card that was badly over played, yet still managed to be under-realized.
I think there is something in your statement. Voyager is better than Enterprise. But there is not a lot in it.
But as to the best Trek, I'm afraid there is a long way to go to convince me of that