The Puppet Masters (1994)


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Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town
No thread about this film yet? Unbelievable! Either that or you think it's really really bad.

This is the Donald Sutherland, Eric Thal, Julie Warner film, not the one with the pyscho dolls!

The Plot: The American mid-west is invaded by aliens that ride on people's backs and control their minds.

I think the story suffers from it being copied so much (it even happens in 'Star Trek') that people forget it was the first.

Even the film tagline: 'Trust No One' is now something you would attribute to the 'X-Files'.

I've even read serious comments elsewhere that it is derivitive of 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers' -- actually the Robert Heinlein novel, which I've read, came long before that film.

I thought that it is a pretty good adaptation of the book. Updated for the nineties from the fifties, but keeping the plot intact, and even some dialogue word-for-word. Donald Sutherland has the 'Old Man' character exactly right
The book was a superb . Initially , when I saw it, I wasn't keen on it. But upon reflection , it Wass decent film . It become a largely forgotten film.

It had a great cast.
I would put Heinlein's Book The Puppet Masters on equal footing with Jack Finney's Invasion Of The Body Snatchers. :cool:

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