Just a momentary thought driving home the other day:
Wouldn't it be cool if a Wraith was possessed by a Goa'uld?
What will the replicators do to Atlantis and/or the Wraiths?
Were the replicators originally created by Ancient tech?
Also, please help me remember... why couldn't SGC remake the device that ONeil made to dial up the Asgards using Tealc's staffweapon as a power source? Doesn't that make ZPM's somewhat over-rated?
Just thought I'd share my mind. So what do you think?
Wouldn't it be cool if a Wraith was possessed by a Goa'uld?
What will the replicators do to Atlantis and/or the Wraiths?
Were the replicators originally created by Ancient tech?
Also, please help me remember... why couldn't SGC remake the device that ONeil made to dial up the Asgards using Tealc's staffweapon as a power source? Doesn't that make ZPM's somewhat over-rated?
Just thought I'd share my mind. So what do you think?