1.02: Water


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Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town
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Lt Sharon Valerii (Boomer) wakes up in with a memory loss and dripping wet. In her bag she is carrying a detonator from the weapons locker. She returns it, only to find 6 more are missing! She feels that her body is under the contol of someone else.

Instead of going to the Master at Arms, she confides in Chief Tyrol. He believes her story, and thinks that she may have been drugged. She is naturally worried that people will believe she is a Cylon. Come on! She must be a Cylon! Can't they see? She's a Cylon! Wake up people! :D

5 of the explosives detonate, rupturing a Galactica water tank leaving supplies low for the whole fleet. They begin a search of nearby systems for water and an investigation into the explosion. They again play on the claustrophobic effects during the investigation onboard the ship. It is very like the old WWII submarine movies.

Baltars 'Cylons test' comes under scrutiny, but not enough in my opinion and somehow he gets away with it again. The guy is really acting weird. They seem to think that since he is hyper-intelligent, the weirdness is normal. I've met some really absent minded intelluctuals, but Baltar is seriously weird -- talking to himself, daydreaming for minutes on end, calling out names and noises -- I would question his sanity!

Most of the search for water is negative, but Sharon keeps discovering water and ignoring the results (she's a Cylon I tell you!) Eventually, she sees it and reports it back. Meanwhile, the 6th missing detonator is on her raptor.

Back on Caprice, there is the Cylon copy of Sharon (or is it the real Boomer?)

I'm really liking this series and since Sky One are pushing it very hard, (it's repeated on Fridays) hopefully it won't be one that is suddenly cancelled in mid-story!
Ooooooh, the Boomer debate. OK, we know the one on the Galactica is a Cylon (anyone who disagrees, check out the last shot of this episode - she even *walks* like a robot!).

As for the one on Caprica, I'm not sure; I'd love to say she's real, but she shot number six, and she had no reason to do that (unless she's encountered human-form cylons before, but I can't remember her having done so). Equally, I can't figure out a reason for making contact with Helo, unless it turns out he's a Cylon as well, or has some way of tracking the fleet (which I doubt).

Maybe the one on Caprica's real, and when she slipped away to rescue Helo, the Cylons managed to sneak copy-Boomer on board. I do believe that there are real human versions of each human-form Cylon.

As for Baltar, I think there actually is a chip in his head, though the Cylons obviously can't track it. Maybe it was just put there to distract him enough to prevent him getting in their way. It's certainly slowly driving him mad, though.

Just a thought,

Personally, I agree totally with your post, I was just being delibrately vague in case some people hadn't seen the ep yet (unlikely if anyone is reading this) and also because I might be wrong ;)

But since you agree with me, we can be wrong together. ;)

The only thing I'm not sure about is if there are real human versions of every Cylon copy. Nothing has shown that to be true, but then Sharon Valerii must have a history -- childhood photographs, parents and relatives, schoolfriends -- it would be suspicious if someone did not have that background and it's something that you can't easily create.
Interesting idea Dave, maybe certain members of the 12 are copies of real humans??

This episode was a lot slower than "33" saying that it spent time pushing character storylines more to the fore.

As for which is Sharon is real tbh Im not so sure if either are. Sharon on the galactica shows some independant thought maybe she is original but under cylon control. I dont understand why as a clyon she would not just convert fully and run in both human/cylon modes, No.6 demonstrates this is possible. The Sharon back on Caprica really shouts out "MOLE" and is part of the plan to track/destroy remaining Caprica forces, remember No.6 saw what happened when they initially landed and took Baltar so dhe knew who the key players were.

As for Baltar he really helps to make this show. The way No.6 plagues him while he tries to interract with people is great. The guy just plummets himself into deeper and deeper trouble which I reckon is No.6`s plan. She will break him to the point she can control him, unless he is able to regain control of his direction.

How will he bluff his way through now without his so called "Cylon detector" ???

Anyway MORE PLEASE :rolly2:

I enjoyed this episode more than "33" actually, despite the absence of the Cylons (well, you know what I mean ;) ). I loved the fact that, yes they are alone, and things like water are pretty scarce in space! The chief/boomer thing is a prime example of the negative aspects of Adama's decisions not to notify elements of the fleet of the existance of 'human-looking' cylons and, had he known, Boomer would surely a) suspected herself and b) be ratted out by the chief.
All water (pun intended) under the bridge now of course. The Caprica story is starting to intrigue me as well - I thought that may have been a side story which would be done away with relatively soon but it now appears to be much more than that.
The true objective of the Cylons is starting to filter through as well - they don't merely want to wipe the humans out, they want to study them first.

Oh, and Baltar is completely annoying me :)
