1.04: Act Of Contrition


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Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town
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A deadly accident on the hangar deck forces the Galactica to draft inexperienced pilots to fly Vipers -- and brings up painful memories for Kara and Lee.
There was a lot more plot in this than those two lines tell.

The hanger deck accident is a result of a rusted fitting that causes a communications drone to fall and fire at a group of celebrating pilots.

The Galactica takes hopeful pilots from the rest of the fleet and Adama places Starbuck as their trainer. She doesn't want the responsibility, knowing that she passed Zak Adama when he had failed his basic training, only for him to be killed in an accident shortly after.

They are all given call-signs; which I've forgotten except for "Hotdog" Constanza who previously failed his Colonial fleet training, but who I'm sure is going to return.

Starbuck fails them all after one days training. Apollo goes to Adama and accidently tells him that she did something for Zak because they were engaged, something Starbuck told him in confidence.

A new actor plays Zak, replacing the actor who was Zak in the photo stills of the miniseries. Zak appears both in flashbacks and in still photos.

Starbuck is forced to admit her guilty secret to Adama and to reinstate the trainees. She returns to train them empowered with a new energy.

Unfortunately, a raiding party of Cylon ships attacks them while they are out training. Starbuck leads them back to the Galactica then turns to fight them alone. She destroys all but one, which is on her tail. Hotdog also returns and is hit, but gets the Cylon. It clips Starbuck's wing and Starbuck spirals into the atmosphere of a ringed gas giant planet. The re-entry is shown several times during the episode without an explanation until now, so we know that she manages to eject from the Viper II.

Back on Caprica, Boomer and Helo the Colonial radio signal leads them to find a fall-out shelter in the basement of a restuatant equipped with food and medicines. No. 6 skulks around outside upstairs.

I'm not sure about Ray's idea of treating Helo as a social experiment, I think the other idea of getting military secrets from him is more likely. If the Cylons can build Boomer and No. 6, who are impossible to distinguish from humans, they must have already studied humans enough.

During the card game the 'Cylon detector' project is mentioned. All knowledge is denied -- this means that whether Baltar is working on it or not we cannot tell.

And the President sees a smoking Doctor who confirms her own Doctors diagnosis. She has inoperable terminal cancer. She is keen to try some herbal medicine, if they can find someone else who has it.
Well, I can only say 'wow'. This episode felt a bit more like a series standard after the inward focus of 'Water' and 'Bastille Day'. And you know what? It wasn't the Apollo-and-Adama show. It was good to see Starbuck get so much screen time (and not just because she's hot), even if there were a couple of moments of slightly dodgy acting - witness her exit from Adama's quarters just after telling him about Lee. Anyone else notice the strange similarity between some of the flashback sex sequences and Baltar's hallucinations? Or was the difference in colour palette and attempt to divorce the two?

As for Helo, I can only say 'The Plot Thickens'. Not entirely sure what the scene with the president was meant to achieve except establishing that the doctor on the Galactica is a bit cr@p. I liked not seeing so much of Baltar and Number 6 - there's only so much of her I can stand, even if she is hot.

And though I'm dying to know where the Cylons came from, it was great to see them again - and to really get a feel for Starbuck in action. I can barely wait a week to find out what's gonna happen to her.

Another episode where Im left a happy man, great stuff.

The relationship between Adama and Starbuck was finally revealed, hehe the final revelation to Adama even had me sitting uncomfortably I thought that was very well potrayed by both.

The beginning with the pilots was true to the realities of war moments of joy and tragedy all mixed together, nothing certain, nothing stable.

Helo and Cylon Boomer, I thought I knew where this was going (using Helo to hunt down Caprica forces) but the bunker is a red herring and threw me a bit.

The question was why put a bunker here with food and medical supplies and then not use it?

Well to me the subplot there is No.6, She built the bunker and supplied it then put a means to trace to help those that survived. I do not think Cylon Boomer knew about it.

There is definatley something going on with No6, her faith and her relationship with humans etc.

If only all shows were of this quality!!
Being beyond a certain age, I remember a time when the US public at large went through a major dig for victory campaign building fall out shelters on the realisation that the Russians had nuclear whizz-bangs too. Some went to extraordinary lengths to equip their ground holes with all the trimmings and keep them secret.
Sadly, most, like the one shown here, would have offered as much protection as the UK's Protect and Survive policy, despite all the goodies.
However, I digress, except to observe that whoever built it simply did not have time to get there before the world ended. Nor do I think Boomer 2 was the only one that did not know it was there. I am still inclined to suggest that No6 is following our Caprician hero to see what he does.

That would not be the only flashback to 30+ years ago in this episode either. I remember more than a few chain smoking (and downright pickled) Medical Officers as well!
That he should be dismissive of alternative treatments for cancer, or not be aware of new working ones is not hugely unlikely either- Cancer is not something he would normally face as a military MO, but give them a blown of leg or massive chest wounds?

Though I wonder if these scenes were added to remind us those little strings are still there and being thought about.
Either way it has been a long time since I have enjoyed a science fiction show as much. With its strong characterisations and earthy feel, it is IMHO superior to B5, provided they can keep it up

Other small thoughts-
I wonder what altitude Starbuck banged out at?
It strikes me that if her fighter was still in the process of burning up because of re-entry, which it clearly was, bailing out would still result in crispy Starbuck pancake.
And why, when they want an alien weapon, do they pick on the British Army's favourite weapon- the SA80?
Wasn't quite sure what to make of this episode. I felt it was a more open one after the somewhat enclosed ship-board episodes prior.
I have to say overall that this is an episode I didn't really enjoy that much. Apart from a few character advancement steps, it didn't really further the plot. I found myself in the weird position of looking forward to the Helo segment as that was actually making progress. The Galatica side of things just had the arrival of a few new faces, the Cylon raider capture and a bit of Starbuck (and both Adama's) character development - good for the series overall, but it did feel like a "you need to know this for later on" episode.