8.15: Reckoning, Part 1


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Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town
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It was good, lots going on, just nothing that particularly stood out. The Jaffa rebellion reaching a climax, the replicators are back as is Anubis and Baal asks Jack for help - twice!

Strange co-incidence that the temple the Jaffa just took is also the site of a poweful Ancient weapon and where both replicator Sam and Anubis are heading!

Hope Thor is okay. :D
Agreed a lot of things coming together, but overall a good episode. Looking forawrd to part 2

Ben Browder kiss my arrse you wont replace Jack...EVER!!


This was mainly a 'setting-up' episode for part two, but it was just so refreshing to have a story concerning itself with the unfolding off-world mythology plot again.

I didn't understand the Anubis taking a new body scene. Is he so vain that he concerns himself with his appearance? Surely, it doesn't matter what he looks like as long as the parts all work, and as he is part ascended, his physical body can not be that important. Or does this mean that he is vulnerable to some kind of attack on his physical body?

Does anyone else think that the Replicators are simply too strong an enemy? Any way in which SG-1 can beat them now, will be too unbelievable (even for people who have saved the Earth as many times as they have.)
Originally posted by Maria8475
Strange co-incidence that the temple the Jaffa just took is also the site of a poweful Ancient weapon and where both replicator Sam and Anubis are heading!
I can buy that: every Ancient site we have seen has been a site of great importance, whether a library of information and knowledge, a communications centre, or a Weapon.

What I can't buy is that after 7½ years of following the Jaffa and their cause, they never once mentioned this Temple before.

That, and why when Anubis was so interested in the Antarctic Weapon, he didn't check out all the Ancient sites within his own territories that might also hold weapons.
Yeah this is a good ep but don't u guys find it a bit too convenient for that extremely powerful ancient weapon to be at the Jaffa's Temple? I mean there should be more plot building in previous eps before this big conclusive episode come up.
I have to agree on teh weapon being in the same places the Jaffa temple, it is a little too convienient.

Dave the reason why Anubis changes hosts is becuase of the damage he causes to them, Im not sure how long a host lasts but I think it is days rather than weeks.

Baal has no real choice but to serve as Anubis can not be killed. But Baal also realises the luxury of keeping a form of status quo with the Tauri although I wrongly thought that whne he spoke to Jack it would be to save Jaffa lives rather than to give information to destroy the weapon.

Another point was Jack revealed to Baal that he knew his fleet movements which was a mistake, Baal now will try to identify how this is happening, bad bad mistake to the plot that.

One final issue that I really hope does not come to fruition. At the start when Sam was still bleating about how wrong she got her evil replicator Twin Jack mentioned there was nothign they could of done and then made reference that "they would not use the Time machine".

I really really hope they dont let things get so bad that suddenly to save the galaxy they decide to get the ship, fly back a few weeks kill replicator Sam and then take on Baal. That will be so naff if they do that!:dead: :dead:

Originally posted by Dave

What I can't buy is that after 7½ years of following the Jaffa and their cause, they never once mentioned this Temple before.

I thought that too - but then Jack asked them why and they said they waited this long because it's now at its least protected.
Very cool episode, we have so many things at the same time. And two enemies at the same time, the goa'uld and the replicator. The only thing I really don't like was the death of Yu. :( I really enjoyed the interaction between Jack and Baal, especially at the end. The thing with the Carter replicator and Daniel was also interesting. And of course, the movement of the Jaffa rebels to the temple and into the territory of Baal, or should I say Anubis. It was great to see Anubis again, I also enjoy the interaction of Baal and Anubis.

Definitely an interesting episode, with a mix of everything humor, action and a great story. Looking forward to the second part.

Krystal :p

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