8.20: Moebius, Part 2


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Now that the timeline has been changed by SG-1's actions in the distant past, the alternate version of 'SG-1' must use the newly-discovered time ship to set things right. Kawalsky and Apothis both appear as their alternate selves.

McKay again wants to call the Puddle Jumper 'Gateship I' as he did in Atlantis.

The alternative timeline plot gets very convoluted, hence the title Moebius (as in loop) -- SG-1 has now become the cause of the rebellion that overthrew Ra -- but there is at least one mistake as the writers and producers grappled with this twisted plot -- since 'SG-1' left the alternate present time using the Antarctic Gate, how would 'that' Daniel know the Gate address of the other Gate (the one Ra took away and was no longer buried) for them to get from the Abydos of the past to the Earth of the past?

The ending is identical to the ending of 'Threads' part 2. Apparently, the previous two weeks now never happened at all, they instead uncovered an Osirus Jar containing the video along with a ZPM, and then they all go fishing in Jack's pond.

Oh dear,

An uninspired badly thought out and very shallow episode which did no justice to the proposed idea of them going back in time.

The last chance to have them all together on a final mission (before the changes for season9) completely wasted.

How am I feeling?


Originally posted by RangerOne SG13 SOR
The last chance to have them all together on a final mission (before the changes for season9) completely wasted.

I think I have to agree with you there, but the surprising thing for me is that the producers thought it was wonderful...

from a message to the Gateworld Forum from Co-executive producer Joseph Mallozzi

"As for the SG-1 finale -- to be honest, 'Reckoning' I and II, 'Threads,' and 'Moebius' I and II would make excellent series finales. At the time the scripts were being written (and, later, the episdoes produced), we had no idea whether SG-1 would be back or not, but we were satisfied with what would be a terrific series ender."

I can see why they would believe that, bringing back Kawalsky, Apothis, Davis, Hammond, & Ra in a fun way. The fishing in Jack's pond ending is a definite series ending, but it just didn't work as well as it might have.
I know cliffhangers are scary for a show thats not sure its gonna continue, and possibly expensive but hey it worked for Farscape! Everyone wanted to see John and Aeryn put back together and eventually we got it :) I wanted a bigger ending. The 2nd part was a let down after the 1st but I loved Carter "I wonder if the other me has a boyfriend?" and her geeky walk :D really made me laugh. Great stereotyping Amanda :) Jack was a bit weird. And Daniel has amazing eyesight now. There was so much more they could have done but I guess budgets and time schedules got in the way. Ah well, I still love it! Roll on Season 9
(and I hope the writers get to show Jack and Sam departing rather than Daniel saying they are away for a while!!
I posted this over at the sg1 forum and I thought I'd post it here too.
ok this ep left me with more questions than answers (maybe some one here can help???)
First the timeline thing. In the ep when sg1 go back to the 60's the shows writers use the theory of "its already happened in the past". Hammond realises before sg1 go on the mission that they will go back in time because it already happened in his past, they cant mess the timeline because they are doing exactly what has already occured. So in that theory when they go back to ancient egypt they should already have been there in that time, and their actions would have already created the existing future, its by not going back they would have changed things.
The puddle jumper was originally found on that other planet (I can never remember px numbers!). When the "first" sg1 team goes back to egypt they have to hide the jumper so the "future" sg1 can find it and use it to fix things. So i assume the "2nd" sg1 must also take that precaution (despite sam saying it must be destroyed), because they cant be sure they have put things right. The modern sg1 then has no need to go back, but I assume they now have 2 puddle jumpers? Can that even happen considering they are the same puddle jumper???
Ok the ending was identical to Threads. Well almost. Jack takes the ZPM off sam and tells her she has packing to do. Packing? For what? Is that a hint they are moving in together? Is that the final twist? That they did mess the timeline slightly and that originally in threads they were just getting together while in this new future they are actually moving in together??? :(
Originally posted by DragonBaby
First the timeline thing... when they go back to ancient egypt they should already have been there in that time, and their actions would have already created the existing future, its by not going back they would have changed things.
There are several different 'time travel' ideas that are used in science fiction.

1/ the 'parallel universes' idea central to the series 'Sliders' where everything can happen in a different reality, which forever forks off from the present.

2/ the Ray Bradbury 'Sound of Thunder' idea that time is linear and time can be changed, and then changed back again, ad infinitum.

3/ the 'time is in control' idea that you cannot change anything because it is all fated to happen. If you prevent someone from getting shot, they simply walk out under a bus instead because it is preordained to happen.

'Stargate' is not alone in mixing and matching them and it annoys me because they are incompatible. 'Star Trek' has used all of them at some point, though it has the excuse that it is older and the science behind the ideas has moved on in the meantime.

Originally posted by DragonBaby
I assume they now have 2 puddle jumpers? Can that even happen considering they are the same puddle jumper?
It depends on your viewpoint. In reality since 'time travel' is not yet possible we don't know. If they are from other realities, which these were then I think it is possible. If they were from the same reality, then they would consist of exactly the same atoms. Commonsense says this is not possible and one of them should not exist and would disappear.

Originally posted by DragonBaby
Is that the final twist? That they did mess the timeline slightly and that originally in threads they were just getting together while in this new future they are actually moving in together?
I missed the "packing" bit, but nothing has changed in their circumstances, they are both still in the SGC. Could they not be referring to helping Daniel pack up those artifacts and objects?
I was wondering about that "packing" thing. Now I get it. I guess I'm a little slow.

I knew they wouldn't leave us on a cliffhanger because they weren't sure if they were going to have another season. I was thinking they might have messed with the past so much that none of them joined SG-1 so it would be like the whole series never happened. Wouldn't that have been wild!!!!
They are both leaving the show, at least Jack is and Sam is for a while, so maybe it was a joke.

The other possiblility is that they are (spoiler for Atlantis S1 final episode):
Packing the weapons and equipment they send to Atlantis using the ZPM
If it was a joke, I don't think it worked, because at the time I missed it completely, and judging by these comments, it appears most people were just confused by it!
Add me to the list of those confused as well ;) I also found the episode a bit confusing and lacking, and i often times have found myself likeing a lot of the episodes that some ppl here have bashed quite a bit, so i am thinking if i am in agreement with some of them that it must have had problems. As someone else pointed out, this was the last time that the "gang" as we know them were all going to be togethor - possibly forever - and although it was nice to see some of the past characters return, I am afraid I have to agree that this was a HUGE wasted opportunity imo. On the positive side I am really looking forward to S9 as I am a big Ben Browder fan so I am optimistic about S9..
I am also optomistic about season 9, even though there will be many changes. Sometimes change is good, especially after a non-so-exciting season 8.
I liked it overall but was a little let down by part 2. The whole time travel / relativity gives me a headache!!!

I think the packing was refering to she had to pack to go to Minnesota. But I guess now that someone mentioned it could be she (Amanda) was packing because she is having a baby and won't be back until late spring. (I think May)

Speaking of that has anyone heard about the baby it was due March 15th? I don't regularly go to many boards except this one.
I have checked her website and there hasn't been anything posted there,
I found this article about the baby....

March 29, 2005 08:17 AM US Eastern Timezone

Sci Fi Star Amanda Tapping Welcomes Baby Girl

HOLLYWOOD, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--March 29, 2005--Actress Amanda Tapping, star of Sci Fi's most popular series "Stargate SG-1" and her husband, builder Alan Kovacs are thrilled to welcome their firstborn child, a baby girl. Olivia B. Kovacs made her earthly debut in Vancouver at Saint Paul's Hospital on March 22, weighing Nine pounds four ounces.
Amanda Tapping is the only female lead starring in the long running hit TV series since "Stargate's" inception. Amanda will continue to save the planet, returning to the show with Olivia for a ninth season in her role as Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Samantha Carter. Amanda looks forward to being a new Mother, her most important and challenging role ever.
Congratulations to the new parents!

As for the packing...I immediately called a friend and asked what in the world that meant.

I came up with 3 thoughts.

(None had to do with the baby...I like that one. Or, yes, she could be helping Daniel pack the items.)

1. In this new slightly-off reality (the pond has fish, afterall) Sam moves in with Jack. (He would have had to have accepted a new position offscreen.)

2. In this new reality, Sam did not break up with Pete and is packing to move into the new home Pete bought her two weeks earlier.

3. Or, this is basically the same reality, and, perhaps she lived with Pete and having broken off the engagement, Sam needs to move out of the place she shared with Pete.
Thanks Lynny!!

I usually go to the Daily Jack picture first then check out the rest of the board but I read this thread first and it was also posted there.

There is a link on gateworld.net
The space series shows all seem to have at least one episode each, usually one involving time travel, that will undo the history of the series and make the reality of the progressive events uncertain. If no other show in the Stargate series did that, Moebius certainly did. One just couldn't be certain wht happened and what didn't after watching it.
I thought the same thing. And what about the beginning of Season 9? It didn't explain much.

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