I cannot help chuckling to the obvious Star Trek links as seen by all.
The 2 extra guys, poor blokes!
The defiant Wraith v Shepherd was very good, especially when he took a hit, that added a little more tension to the plot.
I was dissapointed they let the second guy kill himself to release McKay that to me was rather pointless.
The Wraith`s ability to survive must of been down to the fact he said he had fed off his own crew, so eating other Wraith must make them stronger??
It was obvious though that the Wraith would die at the last minute to weapons fire from Ford.
A better hand to hand combat from Shepherd would of been good to see.
As for the little alien flies I think it was Prodigy on SG1 Series 4 with young Haley (who has never been seen of again).
The flies here though were a distraction for the Wraith (Hey a few thousand years of popping flies is hard to give up!) Allowing Shepherd to take cover.
Overall though very enjoyable, good stuff
EDIT** Oh and Dave the episode is called The Defiant One, not The Definate One :rolly2: hehe