7.13: Charmaggedon


It goes on.....
Apr 22, 2001
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Leo discovers that the Charmed Ones' conflict-free world comes with a higher price than anticipated, so he must join Zankou to stop the Avatars and reverse the change.
This was a good episode, but it felt a bit rushed. I can understand why Phoebe realised they were evil, with her vision and empathic powers but Piper and Paige were one minute spouting the "he's moved on to a better place" and the next were all 'Oh no this is awful!'

The avatars - did it feel like they gave up too easily, they've waited a long time for this utopia and they reserved it simply because they were asked too :D

But Brody is a whitelighter!!!! YAY! I'm so glad they didn't just kill him off. And now the girls don't really have a whitelighter, why can't he be theirs?

Leo - what do we reckon his punishment will be? Nothing thattakes him away from his family i hope.