2.02: Intruder


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Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town
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I love the episode, all the thing with the Wraith virus was interesting. Also it was cool to see the interaction between Caldwell and Weir. The scene with the reaction of Sheppard with the Asgard was just hilarious.

It was a interesting episode in the trying to stop virus way. :lol:

Krystal :D
Yeah Shepherds school of computer fixing LOL. And I'll just have a tiny girly moment and say Beckett looks really good in that civilian jacket. *Grins* Ok girlyness done now LOL
Not a bad episode, but I would have thought they would have immediately tried to scuttle the virus-controlled flyer. The reference to SG-1's experience with a similar problem was good for canon purposes, but served to point out that the basic plot was not significantly original.

I'm glad that they started the show out catching up on what has happened. The flashbacks could have been handled better though.
A mildly amusing tale..

But doesn't anybody get a little concerned about these computer viruses. Not as though Proteus could remotely be using Windoze. Yet the first Fuzzy within a mile and plant a virus that can not only break everything, but can take contol of it. (I shall ignore the observation about not being able to control the environmental systems as pure storytelling convenience).

Always a little concerned about the Asgard too. A fantastically advanced race, but seem a little short in the thinking department?
Originally posted by ray gower
Always a little concerned about the Asgard too. A fantastically advanced race, but seem a little short in the thinking department?

Maybe he/she is lowering itself to our level to be polite?

Seriously though, it appears we avhe a bit of a stand up comic Asgard on our hands here, and then there is the muttering in Asgard-ish [sorry ;)].

I thought it was good episode, the flashbacks to Earth were enlightening.

Everybody being more qualified than Carson, ha. :D

How long till the Wraith figure out that Atlantis isn't out of commission after all, and then what? Time will tell i guess.

Dr Weir's really come on as a character/person since the days of early season 1 IMO.

No sign of Ford yet, but Tayla's obviously been putting the feelers out and had a special report ready for "Lt Col" Sheppard when he got back.

There have been some new discoveries made though, with the new ZPM installed, sensors have revealed unknown or unseen parts of Atlantis. Tthe Czech scientist reported it to Weir right near the end of the ep, oh what is his name *clciks fingers as he tries to remember*.........um help? ;)

Oh and apparently Ethosian cuisine is really quite something, wel according to Weird anyway. I don't think we've seen much of it close up all that often have we?

Looking forward to next week. With Stargate Sg-1 and Atlantis now back, the amount of quality TV has doubled. :)

Nick, :cool:
Well a few loose ends needed tidying up and thats what this episode did.

However the plot was as used as a 100k car tyre. I am tired of these stupid AI "takeover" plots where not only do they take over the ships systems but can decipher spoken speech, lip read and have a uncanny telepathy ability too oh and rather than just blow the airlocks or vent CO2 and kill everyone the AI has some strange desire to live through some Agatha Christie murder film where it bumps of the characters 1 by 1 in mysterious circumstances.

Some nice shots of the deadulas mind!!

Originally posted by RangerOne SG13 SOR
However the plot was as used as a 100k car tyre.
:D It was too, including the 'environmental systems are immune' part, but as has already been said, the flashbacks made it worthwhile.

I didn't think much of Weir's significant other. She wasn't away that long and did send a message home. She is well shot of him. They never said who they appointed instead, but plenty of better quailified people available. Surely, she really wasn't going to choose him because she was attracted to him?

And spot the brownshirt! Instead of 'Star Trek' "red-shirts" now we need to look out for the person in the brown-overalls. As soon as I saw Lindstom with McKay I knew his seconds were numbered.

PS. The Czech scientist is called Dr. Zelenka.
Originally posted by Nick 0208 Ldn

Seriously though, it appears we avhe a bit of a stand up comic Asgard on our hands here, and then there is the muttering in Asgard-ish [sorry ;)].

I just love that part, him muttering. I definitely think this asgard is re-thinking his idea of being in an ship of humans. :lol:
His definitely not your typical asgard. Their usually not so expressive of what they feel.

Krystal :D
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