The Michael Shanks Online Charity Bazaar is the home of our association with online merchants such as in the U.S., in the United Kingdom, in Canada and, of course, Buzzy Multimedia.
Through our Bazaar pages you can purchase any item from these merchants - whether it is Michael Shanks-related or not. In doing so, the vendors will register that you came to their site through us, and once you've made a purchase and it has been sent to you, they will give us a percentage of the sale price of the item. If you purchase an item through a direct link we list (for example, a new Season 8 DVD), the percentage paid is slightly greater.
As with our association with Buzzy Multimedia for Michael's audio book, Local Custom, every single cent raised through this association will be donated to Michael and Lexa's preferred charity, The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada.
We're still building the links and we're still lining up other associates. But in the meantime, you can go to the Charity Bazaar page, check out the books and DVDs we've currently listed or you can simply access Amazon et al through the merchant logo. Either way, by accessing the merchant through these links, your purchase will help us raise money for The Multiple Sclerosis Society.
Remember-- it doesn't have to be Stargate related, you can purchase anything via MSOL and it will count torwards the Charity.
Thank you!
Dana Jeanne for
The Michael Shanks Online Charity Bazaar is the home of our association with online merchants such as in the U.S., in the United Kingdom, in Canada and, of course, Buzzy Multimedia.
Through our Bazaar pages you can purchase any item from these merchants - whether it is Michael Shanks-related or not. In doing so, the vendors will register that you came to their site through us, and once you've made a purchase and it has been sent to you, they will give us a percentage of the sale price of the item. If you purchase an item through a direct link we list (for example, a new Season 8 DVD), the percentage paid is slightly greater.
As with our association with Buzzy Multimedia for Michael's audio book, Local Custom, every single cent raised through this association will be donated to Michael and Lexa's preferred charity, The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada.
We're still building the links and we're still lining up other associates. But in the meantime, you can go to the Charity Bazaar page, check out the books and DVDs we've currently listed or you can simply access Amazon et al through the merchant logo. Either way, by accessing the merchant through these links, your purchase will help us raise money for The Multiple Sclerosis Society.
Remember-- it doesn't have to be Stargate related, you can purchase anything via MSOL and it will count torwards the Charity.
Thank you!
Dana Jeanne for