BBC 'Children in Need' mini-episode


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Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town
Tonight the BBC Children in Need charity event showed a specially penned mini-episode of Doctor Who featuring Rose and the new Doctor, David Tennant.

"Continuing its long association with the BBC's Children In Need charity, we're pleased to announce that a Doctor Who scene will be included in the evening's entertainment on BBC One."

I noticed a few websites getting quite excited out this 'Scene', they need not have been. It only lasted about 5 minutes, though the mini adventure was written by Russell T Davies.

The contents were being kept a closely guarded secret until the evening, but as predicted, they took place directly between the end of 'The Parting of the Ways', in which ninth Doctor Christopher Ecclestone regenerates into Tennant, and the upcoming Christmas Day special, 'A Christmas Invasion'. As such it was really just a trailer for the Christmas special.

The story concerned Rose coming to terms with the new Doctor, questioning whether he was really who he claimed to be, but ultimately believing him.

The Doctor investigated his new form, then set a course for Barcelona, before offering instead to take Rose home for Christmas. At this point, something about the regeneration began to go wrong.
I think I was one of the people who got too excited about this, considering how short it was. Especially since half of the time-slot was used to recap the end of 'Parting of the Ways', which I thought was a little unnecessary.

But it was nice to get a proper look at David Tennant's interpretation of the Doctor. I actually found myself warming to him straight away, whereas I really wasn't sure about Eccleston for the first couple of episodes.

And now I want more. It's definitely whetted my appetite for 'The Christmas Invasion'. :D
hey guys, what time was it on? I taped the whole 3 hours + cos I went to the cinema to see Harry Potter :)D). I can just fast forward to Doctor Who if you remember what time it was on. Cheers!
I was meant to be on at 9pm but I think it was more like 9.15pm before it came on and it was all over in a few minutes.

BTW Fast forward, you won't miss anything worth seeing!
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