Which Star Trek Character Would You Buy A Used Car From?


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Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town
Which Star Trek Character Would You Buy A Used Car From?

And why/why not?

I saw this on another board. My attempt to inspire some more posts here ;)

I'm not sure of the question myself, does it mean who is most trustworthy?

Obviously, I wouldn't from Quark. Maybe not even Garak. All those DS9 characters seemed to be consumate liars when it came to their past.

Maybe a Doctor can be trusted - McCoy?

But would any of them even know what a car was? Maybe an engineer?

Tom Paris would know what a car was. So, even though he is the only one served a sentence in a Penal Colony, I think I would trust him to know what he was talking about, and he is probably the best salesman.
:lol: My very first reaction was "Definitely not Quark; that's for sure!"

Tom Paris seems like a good choice. Most likely the best from Voyager.

From DS9, I have no idea. Perhaps Sisko...

Data! Yes. That's my answer for now... Data. He'd totally know all the ins and outs of and about cars. And if he didn't, he'd definitely be able to retain the information and quickly. :D Yup. Data. :rolly2: I dunno about any others from TNG. There's a few that I'd absolutely trust, but I don't know if they'd know a lot about cars.

"I got nothin'." when it comes to someone from TOS. It's hard to choose. Spock possibly? Heh... can you tell I'm more for the "logical" choices?

As for Enterprise. Meh. Archer maybe???

If I didn't provide a reason, it's most likely because I just chose for the sake of choosing - the leader or most logical...
Really can't be serious about buying a car from Spock. I can prove that Vulcans are compulsive liars!

Easy to think of people who you have to be wary of:- Chuckles in Voyager, is it 20 or 21 bent shuttles?
Though, at least he would be right about the low mileage.

Wouldn't be 7o9 either. Something is too likely to spring up and assimilate you.

On general and practical grounds, you should never buy a used car from a Doctor. The clutch will be shot. But the Crusher would be an awful driver, too busy telling other people to watch where they are going and not run over the strange green aliens. As for Bones McCoy, if ever there was a rustic quack it is him. "I'm a Doctor not a mechanic!"

Thinking of mechanics, it probably wouldn't be Scotty either, he reminds me too much of my local garage.

Thinking of Capt Kirk's attempts to take the burrs off the gears whenever he tried to drive, I doubt it would be him. JLP and Captain Leap would be good though- they'd spend so long talking about it the car would be unused!
:lol: Why is it so much easier to come up with people you wouldn't buy from?
i think spock is obvious, he would not lie to you, deifnatly spock
never Quark. Quark is the type of guy after shaking hands with him it is best to count your fingers to make sure he hasn't stolen one.
I would say any Vulcan in Spocks era would be ideal. Before then, the Vulcans were not following the teachings of Surak and were not very trustworthy. Once Vulcans were unified...their way of being was much more should I say..."logical"?
Okay then... so, nearly everyone wants to buy their car from a Vulcan...

...but can you see a Vulcan being enthusiastic about speeds and acceleration, the metallic colour, the alloy wheels, the suspension, the leather upholstry and trim, going that extra mile to find you that cool or exotic car, or giving anything other than a car's technical specifications. A Vulcan would never promote a car, he could never be a fan of a particular model, he would see it purely as a functional method of getting from A to B. A Vulcan would tell you how polluting and envrionmentally unfriendly a car was. Let's face it, he is never going to be employed as a Car Salesman anyway.
Buy From - Scottie, if he can make a warp engine work after being completely destroyed, i think ill trust him with a car

Don't Buy From - Trelane, as he is a devious being of the continium, knowing him he would put a bomb in the car or make it fall apart 10 minutes after buying it, jus for the fun of it

Buy From - Picard , I'd trust him with my life as well as selling me a car, even though he's french id trust him because they are adept at making car

Don't Buy From - Q ,yet again a Continium boff, same reason as above
Data is probably the safest bet. I wouldn't buy anything from Quark even if I was desperate. If I wanted an assassination doing however, I'd get Garak to deal with it.
I'd ask Quark for the fun of it, just to see if he can be loyal for once, and if he isnt I'll run him over
At first I thought Data, he can't lie and would disclose any faults as a matter of good ethical behavior. Then I got to thinking, if I bought a car from Guinan who nows what delightful surprises you might find down the road. She knows what might happen in the future always does the right thing.
Troi. So I could flirt with her, and not really buy the car. If I had to buy a car, I'd try to make a logical argument to Vulcans, so they would give me a car for free... but, really?? I just wanna flirt with Troi.


(edit:) Oh, Kes too. I'd buy a car from Kes... haha
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Chief O'Brien.

He knows all the ins and outs and probably did a fantastic refit job. He'd be honest enough about the price it's really worth as well!

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