9.20: Camelot


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Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town
SG-1 travels to a medieval village on an alien planet in search of Merlin’s Ancient weapon. The village is known as Camelot, and the legend of King Arthur is alive and well there, complete with a library known to belong to Merlin. The team knows they need to get into the library, but according to the local legend, it is guarded by a Black Knight. Anyone who enters will die.

I liked this episode, but I'm hoping I'm not going to be disappointed with the solution. If I were the Ori, and I had been planning this attack for this long, I would follow the four ships with four more, and four more after that, and four more after that.... I would head straight for Earth and completely destroy it, then for the Asgard homeworld and destroy that. They are really the only opposition in this puny Galaxy, and by that time the Free Jaffa, the Lucian Alliance and all these low tech planets that we have suddenly discovered will be praying to us already.

Somehow, I don't see that happening next week. I see Arthur and his Knights returning to Camelot with Merlin's Pendulumn which is the Ancient Weapon. But the Wormhole is already open so how to send it through?

Sam and Vala obviously must be in the places they are for some good reason to do with that.

Also who are Arthur and his Knights? Surely they must be more than mere mortals like us? Ancients? Asgard? Furlings?
Nice FX withthe fight scene, but why??

After they got a kicking from the Ori satallite as soon as the gate went active they should of backed off rather than providing a turkey shoot for us towatch over.

I must admit after watching that I was left feeling HUH?
I don't know whether they should have backed off. The best chance they would stand of defeating them would be as they came through the Gate. If they are unable to beat them then, with some element of surprise I should think, they there is little point of re-grouping and attacking elsewhere. Nice battle though as you said. I think I preferred this to the 'Atlantis' finale.
Awesome episode, love it. All the thing in the medieval village with Merlin's Black Knight was interesting. Looking forward to see what will happen when Arthur returns.

Love this part:

Meurik: These men will escort you to the Great Ring and ensure you leave as requested.
Daniel: Look, you’re making a mistake, there is no curse. Now the Black Knight is a security feature created by Merlin through the use of science and advanced technology. There is no magic involved…
(SG-1 beam out)

Also it was great to see a bit more of the Lucian Alliance, maybe this time they will develop them a bit more. That will be great.

And the Ori ships really are big, wonder is the races in this side have anything that can take them except for the weapon. Although the weapon is for the Ori per se not his followers. With the Ori this side of the galaxy would be interesting to see how things move with the races and their conflicts with each others.

Looking forward for the next season in the summer. ;)

Krystal :circle:
Originally posted by Krystal
Although the weapon is for the Ori per se not his followers.
That is a good point which I wait to see how they handle. Even if they are given the weapon, and it works, and they send it to the required place to attack the Ori (doesn't this sound a little like the end of DS9 and the Founders?) then it still won't stop the ships coming (who I assume are crewed by Priors but we have yet to see that.)
Originally posted by Dave
Even if they are given the weapon, and it works, and they send it to the required place to attack the Ori (doesn't this sound a little like the end of DS9 and the Founders?) then it still won't stop the ships coming (who I assume are crewed by Priors but we have yet to see that.)

So far the priors are the ones always doing things for the Ori, so like you I suppose they're the ones commanding the human followers. It would be interesting to see how they stop the ships, I don't remember the allies ships in the battle. There was the earth ships, the Jaffa ships and the Lucian Alliance ships. In a forum they mention an asguard ship but I don't remember that one. I have to see it again to check. But is true, what kind of ship would have the weapons to penetrate their shields.

Is going to be interesting to see how they do it.

Krystal :cool:
Their was an Asgard ship present, but it could not penetrate the Ori Ships shields either...

Am getting excited about S10 starting soon. S9 was better than I was expecting overall so it should be good.

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