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Staff member
Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town
A Cylon episode.

'Caprica' Six wakes up on Caprica in her new body, and for a little twist sees a smooth talking Gaius Baltar that none of the other Cylons can see. 'Battlestar' Nine (Sharron) wakes up in her new body, but is less settled. The fate of (Caprica) Sharron's newborn (Human-Cylon) baby is decided by President Roslin and Admiral Adama.

Interesting developments. A bit cheesy in the 'love conquers all' stakes though. 'Caprica' Six and 'Battlestar' Nine (Sharron) save Anders from the Cylons, and they kill Three (Biers) who is uncovered as a Cylon. She will be downloaded in a new body eventually and the truth will out.

I wondered about all the French cars in the basement carpark, but apparently this was meant to create a slightly less familiar look to American audiences. :rolleyes:
I think the most intriguing thing coming out of this episode is the human cylon hybrid that is being hidden. By season three the baby will be 5 years old. I wonder if she will choose sides or truely be the link that brings both sides together.

It’s Kind of reminiscent of Elizabeth Maxwell, the half lizard half human from "V".
Originally posted by Eway
It’s Kind of reminiscent of Elizabeth Maxwell, the half lizard half human from "V".
Remind me what happened with her, I only vaguely remember.

Here, I see Baltar angling to adopt it. But would he make a suitable parent?
Diana conspired to get a human pregnant for some kind of experiment. The humans ended up with the baby and throughout the series; there was a constant tug of war for power over the "star child". I think that's what they called her. As the child grew up, mostly hidden from the visitors, she began to exhibit strange powers that Diana couldn't wait to get her hands on. But ultimately, Elizabeth unified the two species and the series ended with the Visitors supreme commander calling for a "cease of all hostilities". I think that's how they put it.

That's all I can remember since it's been about 20 years.

Back to Battlestar, Baltar has know idea the baby survived coupled with Maya being the adoptive mother.
Being President elect does not automatically make one privy.

Assuming he is elected...
That's why I am thinking too far ahead. If he is made President, and at the moment it would look likely, it would obviously not be in the best interests of the Humans, but it would make more conflict for the storyline. I haven't read any spoilers on this, and I'll refrain from further speculation.

'Galactica 1980' also had that "Starchild" called Doctor Zee which didn't really work for me. I hope the baby does not grow up like him. He was meant to be the son of the Gods or a race of Angels IIRC, not a part-Cylon, but it's too similar an idea to ignore. And these Cylons believe in the Gods. In that series Doctor Zee was a brilliant 14-year old who invented everything and knew practically everything. He was just like a mini-version of this Doctor Baltar.

I was also just thinking that uncovering Biers as a Cylon model, puts a whole different slant on the earlier episode she appeared in. Then, she was just an investigative reporter; some would say doing a good job, asking questions that really ought to be asked. Although, it had been announced that she would appear again in the series, there was no indications in that episode's plot that she was a Cylon.

Now one has to assume that she had another agenda.
Number Three D'Anna Biers
Number Five Aaron Doral
Number Six
Number Eight Boomer
Leoben Conoy
Brother Cavil
Originally posted by Eway
Diana conspired to get a human pregnant for some kind of experiment. The humans ended up with the baby and throughout the series; there was a constant tug of war for power over the "star child". I think that's what they called her. As the child grew up, mostly hidden from the visitors, she began to exhibit strange powers that Diana couldn't wait to get her hands on. But ultimately, Elizabeth unified the two species and the series ended with the Visitors supreme commander calling for a "cease of all hostilities". I think that's how they put it.

That's all I can remember since it's been about 20 years.

Back to Battlestar, Baltar has know idea the baby survived coupled with Maya being the adoptive mother.

That's also around the time the whole series was plunging downhill into inanity. Lizards and humans were hooking up left and right, claw and hand, it was just bizzare. Even as a young teen I was like...there is just no way in hell a lizard and human could have sex. I also was thinking back to "V" when they started this whole half human/cylon thing, though at least it's a "bit" more believable. Still, it's stretching the cheese factor in doing so and "has already been done" multiple times in other series, as has been shown in the posts here.
No situation in "V" was ever too much for me back then. I used to spend time in class making up V-esque characters following the pattern of their main insignia. Their logo with the three lines and two dots was so cool. Or practicing the theme on the piano and reciting the intro...."They arrived if fifteen or fifty mother ships...offering their friendship and advanced technology to earth. Skeptical of the visitors...

Also, our science books are continuously being rewritten. Life cannot exist in these conditions...but just a few years back...we found life in those conditions.

Who knows...I'd love to see some dude lurking behind dumpsters muttering "mousy" "mousy"
Originally posted by Eway
Who knows...I'd love to see some dude lurking behind dumpsters muttering "mousy" "mousy"

Whatever happened to V mini forum or thread - can't find it anymore - I SO loved that series, still have it on VHS!

Originally posted by Brit Chick
Whatever happened to V mini forum or thread - can't find it anymore - I SO loved that series, still have it on VHS!
There was never a mini-forum for V here. There are two threads in General Discussions on V. If you can't find them then let me know and I'll bump them to the top of the forum for you.

There was talk two years ago about the series returning. 'V the next generation' of some kind. It wasn't just an internet rumour, there was an announcement from the TV studio and casting had begun. Then... nothing! If you know what happened please tell me.
That's why I am thinking too far ahead. If he is made President, and at the moment it would look likely, it would obviously not be in the best interests of the Humans, but it would make more conflict for the storyline. I haven't read any spoilers on this, and I'll refrain from further speculation.

'Galactica 1980' also had that "Starchild" called Doctor Zee which didn't really work for me. I hope the baby does not grow up like him. He was meant to be the son of the Gods or a race of Angels IIRC, not a part-Cylon, but it's too similar an idea to ignore. And these Cylons believe in the Gods. In that series Doctor Zee was a brilliant 14-year old who invented everything and knew practically everything. He was just like a mini-version of this Doctor Baltar.

I was also just thinking that uncovering Biers as a Cylon model, puts a whole different slant on the earlier episode she appeared in. Then, she was just an investigative reporter; some would say doing a good job, asking questions that really ought to be asked. Although, it had been announced that she would appear again in the series, there was no indications in that episode's plot that she was a Cylon.

Now one has to assume that she had another agenda.

At the end of the episode it was revealed that she was a Cylon. She was showing the news report in a theatre to 6 among a few others.

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