Finished the season. I think maybe they changed writers (though I can't be bothered to look it up) because it feels so much weaker than S1-3. There were perhaps two episodes-worth of decent stuff here, which provided occasional flashes of what could have been; the rest was pointless. And as for the """""""""comedy""""""""", ugh. I maybe half-smiled once.I watched the first four episodes of Dragon Prince S5. Much like S4, this feels tired and padded, with quite a few short scenes that add absolutely nothing except run-time.
Also watched E1-2 of Synduality: Noir, another anime being released weekly on Disney+. Nothing unique about it whatsoever, but it passed the time amiably enough and I'll probably stick with it at least for a few more episodes.
I'm also feeling a hankering for a rewatch of Fullmetal Alchemist 2003.