(Found) Looking for Mars Book


Darkness is my friend :)
Jul 16, 2006
Professional Student who is a night owl and hates
I have been trying to remember the name of a book for a while now and I keep forgetting to ask my dad so I was hoping that someone on here could help me.

The story which I think is from the 1960s (I could be wrong but it is not a new book) deals with a girl who is from mars and her brother who are on a ship for some reason that I can't recall. They go to Venus and Earth on the ship. The book talks about their journey on the ship and the different cultures of mars and venus.

Thanks, I know that is not a lot of details but I can't remember much more.
It's probably Heinlein's Podkayne of Mars -- at least, the way you describe the plot sounds almost exactly like it.
Teresa Edgerton said:
It's probably Heinlein's Podkayne of Mars -- at least, the way you describe the plot sounds almost exactly like it.

Thank you! :D

That is it and the downstairs library has it (just don't tell steve12553 that another book is missing :) ; never mind I found a school sticker which marks the book as mine... I wonder what other books I have down there)
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I've always liked that book. I have a recent edition with both endings in.
