Well, after hearing all the talk about Mr. Erikson and his tale of Malazan I have taken the deep, spiraling plunge.
The local bookstore is where my journey began a scant 3 weeks ago. Searching the deep and cavernous fantasy shelves someplace between Eddings and Farland I saw the massive tomes of Malazan. Memories of Ice caught my eye in its oversized paperback. Picking up different books of Malazan on the shelf I began to realize there was no sighting of Gardens of the Moon. I frantically pulled out the stacks, peeking behind books and shelves to no avail. Gardens of the Moon was no where in sight.
My journey continued for a score of days as I dug into the bowels of every bookstore I could find. Again, some mystical force seemed to be stopping me from getting this book. I began to think about ordering from the internet, but hesitated as I began to feel this was some kind of challenge.
Then it happened, a cold and dark scent washed over me as I wandered down another long shelf of books ... and there it was. Just one copy, but it called my name.
Thus it was that I travelled far and wide to find this story of Malazan and it's beginning tale.
It has now been 3 days since I began reading and am now about 1/2 way through Gardens of the Moon. I have enjoyed it emensely so far and can only hope for even more given what I have read about the first novel here on the boards.
I have found the first book complex and dynamic, with few straight forward characters. I am not even sure who I should be rooting for, and that is not often found. For the first time in a many reads, I feel like the characters within had some kind of life before these novels began.
So far so good, I hope they live up to the high expectations I have placed on these novels.
The local bookstore is where my journey began a scant 3 weeks ago. Searching the deep and cavernous fantasy shelves someplace between Eddings and Farland I saw the massive tomes of Malazan. Memories of Ice caught my eye in its oversized paperback. Picking up different books of Malazan on the shelf I began to realize there was no sighting of Gardens of the Moon. I frantically pulled out the stacks, peeking behind books and shelves to no avail. Gardens of the Moon was no where in sight.
My journey continued for a score of days as I dug into the bowels of every bookstore I could find. Again, some mystical force seemed to be stopping me from getting this book. I began to think about ordering from the internet, but hesitated as I began to feel this was some kind of challenge.
Then it happened, a cold and dark scent washed over me as I wandered down another long shelf of books ... and there it was. Just one copy, but it called my name.
Thus it was that I travelled far and wide to find this story of Malazan and it's beginning tale.
It has now been 3 days since I began reading and am now about 1/2 way through Gardens of the Moon. I have enjoyed it emensely so far and can only hope for even more given what I have read about the first novel here on the boards.
I have found the first book complex and dynamic, with few straight forward characters. I am not even sure who I should be rooting for, and that is not often found. For the first time in a many reads, I feel like the characters within had some kind of life before these novels began.
So far so good, I hope they live up to the high expectations I have placed on these novels.