Polls I would like to see


Nov 28, 2005
The Coast
I know I could make the poll thread but I don't want to steal Wiggum's thunder :eek: !

Here are three that come to mind right away that I would like to see how the board responds.

Arya vs Meera
Samwell Tarly vs Sansa
Robert Baratheon (in his prime) vs Greatjon Umber

I was tempted to add these as well:

Cersei vs Catelyn (before the whole throat slitting incident)
Sandor vs Gregor (did we do that one)

Thanks for the threads Wiggum!

Just for the record, I am just curious as to what match ups people would like to see, or at least would be amused by.

Yeah I think that would be as close as Jaime vs Mance LOL

But I think a real challenge would to come up with a debate partner for Hodor
Hodor would lay the smack down in a debate.

I'd like to see Illyrio Mopatis vs. one of the Manderly men. Sumo style.

Actually, it would be cool to see the Red Viper vs. a crannogman, with the spear vs. the trident.
Biter vs Rorge

Hope it's a great fight, cause I hope they both bite...er kick it.

By the way Wiggum I have created a tourney bracket. Next week after a couple of the polls are completed I will post another copy, per your approval. This is just a trial version in pdf format:

SOS Tourney Bracket

Wiggum - I am not sure whether or not the brackets match up the way you want. I just counter clockwise with your list. But it is pretty interesting to see some of the potential matchups.

And just for the record... My money is on Hot Pie chucking little lord Arryn out the moon door!
Culhwch said:
Okay, I have to ask. I've seen it a bit here lately.... What on Earth does 'pwns' mean?

Mean basically you got your @ss handed to you.

For example:

Snow pwns Boaz = I clearly outdid Boaz, with no possible misconception on who the winner is, Snow! Just kidding Boaz:D

More realistically, whenever I play one of my online multiplayer games and some stinkin buttmunch kills me, I am treated to some kid 1/6 my age informing me I have been "pwn3d".

There are a lot of theories as to where it came from. My assumption is it became popular as "commcercial strength" version of "own, owns, owned" (pwn, pwn3d, pwns) basically the geek version of trash talking.

All I know is in the world of multiplayer gaming and 1337 speak I am constantly pwn3d...
mmorpg + duel + archaic computer= pawned (pwn)

therefore books lol

speaking of, we so badly need a asoiaf mmorpg :)
Polls and competitions I'd like to see...

Westeros edition of team Trivial Pursiut... Hodor and Jinglebell vs. Mord and Small Paul.

Pants Off, Dance Off... Jhiqui vs. Barristan. Dothraki can shake their booties... it is known.

MC Freestyle Battle... Ned vs. Pod. Tywin vs. Shagga.

Lawn Darts... Maester Aemon vs. Bran. Euron vs. Oberyn... would these two just kill each other?

Pie eating contest... Greatjon vs. any of the Manderlys. Irri vs. King Robert.

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