National Novel Writing Month 2006

Well it's 7:30pm here in the UK, on 31 October, so I'm just gearing up over the next four and a half hours :))

When the clock hits one minute past midnight, I'm starting. Failed dismally last year, so I'm determined to get off to a good start, at the very least, this year.

Good luck to everyone who has a go - let me know how you get on!
chanters :)

I love NaNo :D

I already have some 3000 or so words >.< I've done pretty good today :)
Right now I'm right on schedule at 5,542 words (10% woo) I'm trying to write 2,500 words a day so that hopefully I'll have a leeway if I feel rubbish at the end of the month. The story I'm writing is a young adult one, it's about a character I've had in my head for some time and have tried to write before. This time I'm starting it much earlier than I did in the past and it seems to be working, she's currently eight though I need to check just how many months I've flitted away I think she's going to be nine soon, which I think is the right pace I want end it in her mid-teens I think.
Well its 50,000 words... I am not sure how many pages as it all depends on type and size of font

It would be approximately 220-240 pages in MS Word, if you use a standard format for publishers, i.e. double-spaced and a monotype font.
Wow, people, I applaude you! I would have loved to have done this, but having just started University, I don't think it's quite the right time! I hope it goes well for everyone! :D
Hoopy you can still join there is time and you don't have to write all 50,000 words there are lots of people with smaller goals....

On the other hand... is there anyone else sitting there as of November 6th going why did I do this to my self? I can't write anymore *sob*
13,000 words, I'm going to push myself and try to make 15,000 today! It's odd how writing with a younger lead than I normally do has shifted the way I write. Although there are big things happening in the story at the moment it's behing the scenes since my heriones world is fairly small ( so far really it's just the town where she lives.)
I am struggling when it comes to doing horrible things to her, but I have to soon to move things along! Ahh!!

How is everyone else doing?
I'm up to nearly 14,000 words, which for me is amazing! Big question is whether I can manage to do more than my daily quota each day this weekend, to get it back up to where it should be. Which depends on whether my wife and kids will leave me alone for a couple of hours each day...

Hope everyone else has a good weekend of writing (and whatever else you're doing...)
Well I'm not sure how, but I managed to get back up above where I should be (1,667 words a day) if I'm going to hit 50,000 over the month. Now standing at 20,600 words, as of last night. So I need to leave work now, go home, and then get another 1,700 words done...
Dear god people! *applaudes again* I'm sitting here struggling to write 1,000 words for an essay! Mind you, I know which one I'd rather be doing...essays are *so* dull. :(

But well done to you all! I want to read all these when they are done :D
I am now on 23,000 and so far my story has included :kidnapping/dragonnapping, haircuts ( by force), fireworks, and a guy named Owen who might be a pirate...

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