I would love to see Tyrion die. I have always found his underdog bitching seriously annoying. 'Oh my father never loved me' 'oh my sister never loved me' 'oh my whore never loved me' 'oh my wife never loved me' 'oh Oberyn couldn't kill Ser Gregor for me' 'its all so unfair!' 'I know i have some revenge'
The loathsome little cretin deserves a swift but painful death. Of course so one is going to love a horrendously disfigured dwarf. its practically impossible, especially when one has Tyrion's personality.
I want Dany to be slain too. She can die valiantly - though she really isn't awarrior, more she is the living banner of the Targaryen legacy.
I want Margery Tyrell to die as well... still a virgin... pish. tho its obviously not with Ranly or Tommen...or Loras... She's truly a harbinger of bad luck. Tommen's gonna die pretty soon.
I rather liked Loras... he was everything Jaime was but better - tho jaime of course thought not. and he didn't betray his king either. I do also like Jaime aswell, he's much changed from the man who flung Bran from the window.
Also on my dream chopping block... Catelyn - even when she was first alive i wanted her dead now i want it even more - though she can kill all the Frey's as well first.
Add Gregor Clegane, but not Sandor, Roose and ramsey bolton. Euron and Auron... though i actually like Theon... dastardly scoundrel that he is, he'll redeem himself i foresee - or rot in the Dreadfort till he dies...
I hope Brienne really is dead. as she was 'killed' off page she may not have been.
I want Sansa not to die - at least not yet - if she wakes up to the situation she could become extraordinarily powerful in her own right. Littlefinger and the Arryn brat should die too... Littlefinger after he's set Sansa up as Lady of the Vale...
As is mutually agreed by almost everyone else. The Frey's must DIE! perhaps not the Pretty one who married Edmund... but all the rest. Women and Children included... send the mountain to do it, he likes killing children...before he too dies...tho isn't he dying of the Red Serpents poison already...
other people who should die are Janos Slynt, Alliser Thorne, Stannis and after seeing all her children dead or despising her ( i really don't care if Myrsella lives or dies) Cercei...