Sparhawk's Family Crest


New Member
Nov 1, 2006
Anyone know what The crest is? I forgot..I know its a Hawk with its wings spread....but thats all i know. :/ any help would be loved
That's a good question. Ummm, didn't Sparhawk's family crest feature a hawk, wings outspread, with a spear in its' talons?
Hmm. I'll have to get the books out now to find out. Oh well, any excuse to pick up a good book, and I do like the Elenium series.
Me too! Its my favorite! and i swear i leafed though it and couldnt find nothin...i know its in the diamond thrown..i just dont have the book to look right now..My friend is reading it.
I've just been and fetched the books, but why is that when you're looking for something, you can never find it! At least it won't be a chore, though.:)
Ah, thanks for that. I must admit to flicking through the books last night, looking for the right bit.:) Now that I think about it, though, some of the cover art and chapter illustrations showed Sparhawk's crest, too.
