Is He The Librarian?


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2006
I saw this cute photo yesterday and thought it looked just like our beloved Librarian - BBC NEWS | In Pictures | Day in pictures

The description of the photo however, is really sad, it hurts. I read that Mr. Pratchett has been contributing to the saving orang-utan project. Thanks to the Librarian. Ook ook.
Well done Mr P. The plight of the orang-utan - like many other beautiful creatures in the so-called "wild" is awful. High-profile people always seem to be able to do more than us low-profiles can. Well done again Mr P.
I'm glad Pratchett has thrown his weight behing the Orang Hutan. Every year Indonesia burns and every year the rest of Asia rushes over in an effort to put out the fires and every year the Indonesian Government promises to bring the culprit plantation companies to court and to make sure the fires do not happen again. The haze from the fires just lifted a few weeks ago and I hope this does not happen ahain next year for the sake of the animals and the people. The forests of Asia are fast dissapearing and with them our tigers and Orang Hutans and all the other animals. :(

I work as a volunteer at the National Zoo here in Malaysia and have become friends with the family of Orang Hutan. They are so human it's almost frightening but then again in many ways they all are or perhaps we are like them and I am glad more people are trying to save the forests and its inhabitants.
I work as a volunteer at the National Zoo here in Malaysia and have become friends with the family of Orang Hutan. They are so human it's almost frightening but then again in many ways they all are or perhaps we are like them and I am glad more people are trying to save the forests and its inhabitants.

I happened to come across a paragraph in The Science of Discworld:

'We could, for example, have pointed out that Darwin's theory of evolution explains how lower lifeforms can evolve into higher ones, which in turn makes it entirely reasonable that a human should evolve into an orangutan (while remaining a librarian, since there is no higher life form than a librarian).' :)

About the wildfire, it seems getting worse by the year around the world, perhaps something to do with global climate changes and more human factors involved? In Spain and Portugal it has caused serious damages in recent years and most of the fire started by arsons. Every time when I think of these things I get into a Kurt Vonnegut mood - total despair: the earthlings are killing the planet as fast as they can; nothing can be done and it's already too late to do anything anyway.... Somehting like that. His famous saying: 'Life is no way to treat an animal'.

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