(Found) Another lost title/author hope you can help


New Member
Nov 16, 2006
I can not remember the title but it was late 80s early 90s when my brother bought the book. The exerpt on the back was biting the hand the story was about a man who was slave for an alien race that had limited earths exploration becouse of it strangled hold on the FTL drive. He was modified with a laser in his finger to kill (Forgot who) one of the aliens and ended up escaping to earth where he became a cop with a PSI talent of feeling emotions and was assigned to find killers. The story continues where he is part of a group going to a planet to find a weapon against the aliens. The planet is part of an archelogical dig about an old race that had fought a war thousands of years ago against a parasite race that took over their host. The parsite race is still on the planet unknown to the humans and the aliens and reactivates itself when the aliens send in there human cyborg troops to stop the heroes. The ending is with the hero activating the weapon and destroying a star system and getting the aliens to surrender.
That is about all I can remember-- My brother lost this books about 5 years ago during a move and I am looking to buy two copies this Christmas.
Bits of that synopsis sound like Christopher Rowley's two novels about the Vang -- The Vang: The Military Form and The Vang: Battlemaster. Neither, however, feature a telempathic cop with a laser in his finger, although the eponymous alien race are parasites that take over the human population of a planet...
