Naming things after favorite book characters


Easily amused
Feb 21, 2006
Ontario, Canada
Just curious. Have you ever named a pet, child, business, etc. after a fantasy or sci-fi character?
My youngest cat is named Arthur in homage to the king himself.
I used to have a cat named The Lord after the cat by the same name in the Hitchhiker's "trilogy".
megaera after a greek fury. lestat after lestat and merlin after the magician. so yeah :) (tho the last two are parents cats, i picked the names)
and when i was younger i wanted to use lanfear as my net username. now im glad i didn't
When I was a kid I had two gerbils called Merry and Pippin.

I also know someone who rather grandly named their terrace bungalow, Minus Tirith. They even had a house name plaque made up.
I named one of my fish Neo, don't really know why. But maybe at the time I was still in my Matrix phase.
If I meet one more cat named "Tigger,"—unless it was named by a child—I'm going to jump out the window.
Sorry, Paige, but it wasn't my fault, she lived with a couple of neds who abandoned her when they were evicted. I came home one day and found her on the landing with her dish and litter tray. I didn't want to go through the hassle of renaming her because;

a) I was only going to look after her until she could be re-homed

b) She spent the first 2 days hiding under a chair, making only brief forays to dish and tray.

She's a lot happier now, but I never did get around to giving her a less-cliched name.

Feel free to jump, but I think these are mitigating circumstances:) .
I used to live next door to a cat called Tigger. (Shhhh! Don't tell Paige!) He was named by preschool-aged children.

He reminded me of Greebo, Nanny Ogg's cat from Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels. He had a stump of tail and was grey and never moved fast - because he didn't feel like it.
On the first day we moved into the rental property he walked over from next door, walked into the house, wandered into the kitchen and sat in front of the fridge staring at us through half-closed eyelids. When we showed him it was empty he walked into the loungeroom, jumped onto an armchair and curled up for a nap. It wasn't even his house. And how did he know where to find the fridge?

For a while there I thought he might be our landlord...:p

If I got a dog I was going to name it Chewbacca. Don't laugh. I was young and foolish.
But our dog was already 6 months old and pre-named when we got her. Damn. And I was gonna get creative.
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When I was a kid I had two gerbils called Merry and Pippin.

I also know someone who rather grandly named their terrace bungalow, Minus Tirith. They even had a house name plaque made up.

Well, at least it's not Minas Tirith. Quite a funny pun if you understand the intentional spelling mistake. :rolleyes:

My parents' polydactyl stubby-tailed cat is named Pelle, after a Swedish children's book character called Pelle Svanslös (svanslös=tailless in Swedish).

I haven't named anything after fantasy characters, mainly because I don't have any pets and don't name inanimate objects.
I try to give all the computers I install a network name, after characters I have read in books, here are some of the names (and it looks cool in a Network Browse too!)


I haven't named anything after fantasy characters, mainly because I don't have any pets and don't name inanimate objects.
Does that mean you haven't even named your car?! The poor car!
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Sorry about the rosebushes ,Paige, oh BTW, my Tigger is really a mackrel-striped brown tabby so at least the name is understandable.:D
My cat was called Pippin. A coincidence, as I hadn't read LOTR when I first got him as a pet (I was only 9 or so), but as it happened he seemed to have the same kind of personality as the Pippin in the book.

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