Spike's Soul


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2006
There's a suggestion, in Chosen, that Angel was supposed to help Buffy in her final battle, but Spike took over, the only other person who could have done it (ensouled, and stronger than human). Was Spike getting his soul back part of some bigger scheme, or just a wildcard that threw everybody's plans out of whack?

And who gave him his soul back anyway? Just some demon, someone working for the First, or an agent of the Higher Powers?
All very good questions -

There was talk when the finale for Season 6 aired that James Marsters wasn't aware of what was actually going to happen to Spike, so he played it like Spike was going to have the chip removed. I think he said he would've played it differently if he'd known Spike was going to get a soul. But I think Joss had said he didn't want James having any inside info b/c it would affect his performance.

So - it's possibly it could've done either way - and that Spike had gone to get his chip removed, but the demon gave him his soul to piss him off or something. Or Spike actually went to get his soul. There's still, I think, lots of fan debate over which it was and why.

About "Chosen" - I have no idea. The return of Spike's sould might have been part of a bigger picture, but that's what fanfic is for! :)

Let me come back when I'm a little more coherent and I might have some other thoughts. ;)
I remember the end of season 6, with Spike heading off to get his chip removed ("It's the CHIP!"). But that actually works quite well, whether it was planned or not. Because the demon (or whoever) says something like "if you pass the trial we will give you what you want". The chip isn't mentioned in that last episode, so although Spike told himself it was the chip, it may be that what he really wanted was his soul back, something he hadn't even admitted to himself.

Just speculation of course...
I think Spike was definately planned to get his soul back; there has always been a lot of competition between Angel and Spike and this just enhances that. There are also a lot of prophecies in Angel that refer to the "vampire with a soul", such as the one that refers to him one day becoming human again, i think that although that particular prophecy has not yet come to fruit, Spike was meant to get his soul back to create the mystery around who all the prophecies are all about.

As for the chip V soul thought, Spike had previously referred to wanting to be the "man" Buffy wanted him to be...... you can't be a man without a soul
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