(Found) Two books. Fuzzy Details, sorry sorry sorry...


I'm so dizzy...
Dec 15, 2006
Random good words: spanner, wobbly, boing, muppet
I'm trying to track down two books, one or both of which are at least trilogies. I read them in the early 90's.

Book one was about paired ?magic workers, ?guardians... they were paired for life and had either a unicorn or a pegasus. On the cover of the book were the two people, white equine creature and they were wearing white. It was a traditional swords 'n' magic kind of story, fantasy with a bit of romance thrown in.

Book two is about two people from our earth who get ?taken to an alternate earth. the woman is turned into a fairy, she gets covered in orange fur. there is a ?fort, and the bloke in charge is a masochist. It was an 'alternative' fantasy.

sorry this is so very random, I read a massive amount of books in the 90's, and I didn't catalogue the vast majority of them. any and all help gratefully appreciated, thanks!
Hmm... haven't got a clue about the first one I'm afraid, but the second sounds a lot like Jack Chalker's River of the Dancing Gods. I read this some time ago and it's one Chalker that I don't have in the collection, so I can't confirm that Marge develops orange fur, but the rest of it seems to fit my recollection. Might be worth checking out. Good luck, anyway.
Having said I haven't got a clue on the first one, it does ring a distant bell. I might be completely off target here, but could it be one of Mercedes Lackey's sprawling Valdemar series? Probably isn't, but it seemed worth mentioning. Good luck.
