3.03: Exodus (I)


Non Bio
Staff member
Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town
Spoilers.... (obviously)

One thing I dislike/like about this show is how, while not exactly rewriting the endings of the previous episode, they keep holding important stuff back so that it runs in a completely different way. It always reminds me of the old 1960's Batman serial, or even 'Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe'. I guess that is what BSG is though - a serial - and so as such it ought to make full use of those techniques. But I definitely have a love/hate thing with it.

I did really expect the 200 to die though. Just from the sheer number of guest actors they now have in the credits, I though it was time to lose a few.

I was also certain that Boomer would be blamed for giving the Cylons the details to the meeting place, but they were rightly and immediately onto Ellen instead.

Boomer does get the launch keys for the civilian ships and it all looks like everything is going to plan for a change.

D’Anna has dreams and visits a seer who tells her that Sharon's daughter, Hera, didn’t really die. The child is special because it is the first human-cylon hybrid. What about Kasey, this (daughter?) of Starbuck?

Anyway D'Anna tells Sharon, but even though Sharon has doubts she thinks that Adama wouldn’t lie to her. Sharon shoots D'Anna anyway.

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