3.12: Echoes


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Staff member
Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town
Teyla witnesses what appear to be Ancient apparitions, which soon other people start to see too.

The whale-like fish of Lantia congregate around the city and it is their 'whale song' that creates these apparitions and other serious side effects on the Expedition members. Are they there to communicate or to destroy?

Well, obviously they want to warn them about the upcoming solar flare! One that happens only occasionally, every few thousands of years.

Not complete pants, but certainly full of plot holes. Just a few:

Are these "Whales" meant to be hundreds of thousands of years old, or have they passed on the details through the generations by 'whale song' stories?

When the solar flare could be directed in any direction from the star, why does it always come at the same direction and plane in which Atlantis happens to be?

Best line:

John: "Okay Meredith" when he can't hear.
Are these "Whales" meant to be hundreds of thousands of years old, or have they passed on the details through the generations by 'whale song' stories?

It was past through the generations.

John: "Okay Meredith" when he can't hear.

you noticed that too

The storyline wasn't too bad but like you say the solar flares are not that predictible.
I thought that it was a good episode, all things considered. I didn't guess what the ghosts were until it was explained, all be it a bit more in the realm of fiction than science fiction. I'm sure that these alien whales must pass on this ability through the generations through their song, but for McKay to figure it out in a couple of hours is pretty unlikely unless he got lucky or his IQ is the highest in the universe.

Unfortunately they don't seem to be able to let anyone but McKay save the day. I think that a name change may be in order -
The Rodney McKay Show presents: Stargate Atlantis

Hopefully someone else will get a chance to do something other than play second fiddle to Meredith Rodney McKay.
Well actually Sheppard sort of saved the day this time, McKay figured out what the problem using the ancient's information but Sheppard though of using the ZPM and the Daedalus' shield to protect the planet from the flare.

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