3.14: The Tao of Rodney


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Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town
An Ancient device gives Rodney super-human powers.

When the team go exploring previously flooded areas of Atlantis, McKay's mind is astonishingly evolved by technology meant to aid Ancients to achieve ascension. His brain can grasp things the other can't. He wants to reprogram Atlantis' use of the ZPM, and the others don't understand what he's doing, but it's not going all that well. Zelenka gets hurt by a surge of energy. As Rodney's mental powers increase, so does his own risk of death.

This could really have been a very bad episode. Yet again McKay has his ego fueled. Yet again he makes astounding scientific discoveries. Yet again 'Stargate- Atlantis' become the 'Rodney McKay Comedy Show'. Except that it was genuinely quite funny this time.

Granted, the fact that he was never going to die, and that he would be cured in the final 4 minutes, but besides that it was okay. They even solved some of the dangling threads left about the lack of power and such, and referenced Sheppard's six months living with ancients trying to ascend.
This could really have been a very bad episode. Yet again McKay has his ego fueled. Yet again he makes astounding scientific discoveries. Yet again 'Stargate- Atlantis' become the 'Rodney McKay Comedy Show'. Except that it was genuinely quite funny this time.

I have to agree with you, I thought that it was a pretty funny episode, with some brilliant wisecracks. I also thought that there were some touching moments when McKay decides to make amends for his egotistical behaviour, such as writing the book about Weir and the tea ceremony with Teyla. It's just a bit of a pity that this doesn't seem to have affected his character much, now that he has gone back to being himself. Maybe it will see him being less egotistical in future episodes, but I'm not going to hold my breath!

I did think that the last minute solution to the problem may have been little more than last minute writing - how do we solve this? Ah, just stick him back in the machine, that'll do.
It struck me as being similar to something they did in an episode of Star Trek:TNG where they cured a mutation by putting through a reference profile whilst transporting someone.
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