question about comic books.


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2005
i'd like to see how comics are writen. does anyone know where to find comic scripts. like marvel or dc script. cause i'd like to read the script of a comic that i might have or be able to find. i have alot of "punisher" comics.

pdf format would be the best, but i don't care. i just want to see the comic book writing format.

Tokyopop (publisher) has some books that were written with a comic in mind and then were made into comics, they are called Trinity Blood: From the Empire (featuring Gunslinger, Father Nightroad and Sword Dancer).
also: Bendis gives out a lot of his thought processes and bits of script in the Powers TPBs as extras.
It might not be the most straightforward of places, but there are few better scripts to look at than one by Neil Gaiman. The graphic novel; Sandman Dream Country came with a scipt for one of the parts in the back of the book, you could see how it was put together and how it transalated to the finished page. I'm not sure whether any of the more recent editions still have the script in though.

You also have to remember that there is no exact way to write them. What works for you is the way to do it, as long as the artist can undertand it you are doign it right.

Some writers give details right down to the minutae well others are vague and give the artist free reign to do what they want!
PM is right, a script is just somebody elses work, don't try to replicate the style or format, just keep it organised, fluent and legible and you'll be fine.

I forgot about the Sandman book, I have that somewhere I think I'll have a gander at that as well
There are a couple of books out called "Panel One" and "Panel Two" (and for all I know, maybe three and four...) which are collections of published author's working scripts. It's amazing the variety they work from. Some do full movie-style scripts, and others do little proto-comics in pencils or Sharpies.
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