Art Sites...


Registered Lurker
Dec 31, 2006
Anyone know of any art sites devoted to A Song of Ice and Fire? The casting thread got me thinking about how an artist might have portrayed the characters and the different locations. Either an art site or a fan site with some good galleries, etc. Thanks.
There are a few but they are largely connected to the card board games.

I have spent an afternoon google searching images and character names. For me the illustration's seem to be designed for very small reproduction, and when they go to a full screen they tend to become a bit less of quality.

That is how I found my avatar, It was someones take on Arya.

I will admidt I am a complete and utter art snob though, I was an art professor for 5 years a decade well.. yeah, I am not the best when it comes to looking at images. I tend to see "the misplaced commas" instead of being able to appreciate the image in a more narrative sense.

But then again, I should probably except that Thoros will not be able to bring Vermeer back to Illustrate the series.

Edit: This is the site i have enjoyed the most - The Artwork of Mark Evans - A Game of Thrones

Hopefully it is a good start for you :)
3 pages of galleries, about 30 artists re ASOIAF located here:


This should fill any fix for illustrator's takes on the series
Thanks a bunch Weasel (love the name, btw). This is exactly what I was looking for. I also did a lot of Google searches for different characters, but what I came up with was a bunch of low res images that were piss-poor to begin with. I have ordered the "The Art of George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire" but it has been on backorder and the site I ordered from hasn't been very forthcoming as to when they will be receiving more copies. I'm almost tempted to order the collector's edition which seems to be in stock and ready to ship but costs about 70 dollars more. Bah, the price I'd pay for good work. I'm also an art snob, though I'm no professional, I'm an accomplished artist myself and have quite a bit of published pieces floating around and truly empathize with you. I see artwork based off of worlds I love and cherish and think "where the hell is the creativity." It's like anything else transfered from one medium to another. A book to the silver-screen, a comic turned into a motion picture, a game, vice versa; every translation of the original work really has to embody the essence of the source-material; it's difficult to find a talented individual who has the talent to translate the imagery from a different medium unless they are utterly obsessed with it.

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