Dedicated reader?

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Feb 11, 2007
I was wondering, whats the best way to have more than a chapter or two critiqued? Would anyone be willing to read and critique about 30k words of a story Im writing? I really dont want to post all of it, but I want someone to read the whole story so they can really get an idea of whats going on, and tell me if its any good, what can be changed, ect...

I would be willing to return the favor ofcourse, providing your book is SF, I cant critique fantasy (I dont much like it).

Anyways, let me know!
It could take me a while to actually read it all, but I'd be willing to give it a go. I'll PM you an email address where you can send your story.

edit: Can't send you PMs. I'll just enable user emails in my profile, then you can send it to me.
I'm quite happy to help, and have done so in the past, and can be contacted by all the standard ways (note that the forum E-mail doesn't accept attachments, so you end up exchanging personal addresses) but with my standard limitations: it takes the time it takes, it's no use getting impatient and
I do little niggles, grammar details and the like, not the broad sweep, stand back and make big, overall suggestions.
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