When a Slayer Dies another is called?


Oct 15, 2006
There has always been a few things that really puzzled me...........

When Buffy was drowned by the Master and given mouth to mouth by Xander, Kendra was called; and when Kendra died, Faith was called.

But, when Buffy died at the hands of Glory, who was called? Was anyone called? They really should have been because she was dead for a while, but if so, they would have appeared at some point, at the end of series seven at the least, wouldn't they?

Also, if it was that easy to call another slayer as it was to call Kendra, wouldn't more slayers have found a way to stop themselves breathing and then be resucitated?
I always understood it that once Buffy died that first time, she wasn't really the "Chosen One" any more. All other called slayers came from Kendra's line.
wouldn't that mean her losing her powers then if she was no longer chosen?
Faith was still alive that's why no-one else was called.

Buffy was the chosen one because she had to die by the masters hand in order to kill him....I know! I know!....that sounds confusing...why do you think Buffy was the only slayer to have friends?

I think Xander and Willow were fated to be with her.
I was watching an episode in season six the other night when Giles cme back to help Willow, and Buffy was asking Giles why she was brought back, that if she wasn't someone else would have be chosen???......................
No one was called because to those guys who created the slayer, she was already dead and should still be dead right? But then again maybe the first needed her influence on the potentials for season 7?
It was always pretty clear that Buffy after dying at the hands of the Master was no longer the official chosen one.
Kendra's death activated Faith as the Chosen One, but since Faith never died - even briefly following her battle with Buffy - no others were called.
Faith's fall into evil made it necessary for the Watchers Council to continue to utilise their most potent weapon - Buffy - who was always the more powerful slayer than both Kendra and Faith...
Buffy's second death meant nothing to the Powers that Be (yes clearly a more angel relevant term, but it fits as those ancient wizards were clearly powers that be inspired) so no other slayers were called.

As to another slayer being called at the end of season seven, they were ALL called at the end of season seven. So there was just one new slayer, there were potentially hundreds, even thousands kicking around.
devilsgrin, you almost lost me...

in the end, Willow used the power of the weapon to give all potential slayers the power of the slayer.

and Buffy died once, just breifly, and Kendra was called.. but Buffy was still a slayer, because she was still Buffy

when Drusilla killed Kendra Faith was called.

when Buffy was brought back to life after dieing in season 5, she was still Buffy, a slayer.

dieing doesn't change who you are.

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