Another Crucible chapter...

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Feb 11, 2007
Hey all, its another chapter. I think its chapter 6..or 7, hell, I dont know. Dont worry about grammer, just let me know if its interesting. Its my first 'combat' chapter, so Im a bit insecure =)


Jacob opened his eyes. He could not hear anything yet, but his vision was almost normal. The Captain was already up and about, directing the minor course adjustments necessary to remain in formation with the cruisers.

“CSF Grace, come to heading 140, maintain current speed.”
“Roger Gabriel, coming to one-four-zero, maintaining at 500 meters per second.”

“How long have we been out?” Jacob was on his feet.

“About 2 minutes, we are just now commencing scans.”

“How far out from the station are we?”

“Just about 10,000 kilometers, would you like to take the bridge Seneschal?” Captain Mendes’s tone made Jacob think he wanted him to take the bridge. “No Captain, she is your ship, I will head up to the command sphere and dial in.” “Roger that sir.”

Jacob headed up the mag lift to the command sphere. The sphere was exactly that, a large, self contained sphere whose walls were one big holo screen. Jacob stepped in and synced his neural transmitter to the ships AI. The walls became space; in the center was the CSF Gabriel with the two cruisers flanking her on each side. He could not see the Alliance fleet or station yet because the ships scans were not yet complete. He initiated the command sequence, dialing him directly into all three ships AI’s. Immediately the room began to spin, then the gravity dropped. Jacob was literally in space, with the Crucible ships floating around him like little models.

“Scans in sir, uploading to AI now.” The station came into view, or at least the very southern tip of it. Four enemy ships began to come into view, two of them destroyers, Mako class, another was a heavy cruiser. The last one took Jacob’s breath; it was an Invincible class fleet carrier. “What the hell is that carrier doing here!?”

“ Looks like D’Arno’s boys are getting a little rusty Seneschal, what are your orders?”

“Have they detected us yet?”

“Negative Seneschal, I doubt they are on any kind of alert out here.”

“Your right, the AI says that she is the Majestic. Didn’t she take some pretty heavy damage in the Battle of Acre?”

“That’s right. Senschal Cooper nearly tore of the aft quarter of that ship, she is probably here for recharge, then on to Earth for repair.”

“Roger that, increase impact drives to full, begin charging all batteries and raise shields.” Jacob knew what had to be done. The Majestic may be wounded, but she still carried all her guns and fighters. His flotilla could hold the attention of the Alliance ships long enough for the Seraphim’s to shoot and scoot, but if any fighters were in the area, the Seraphim’s were as good as dead. Each of those four Seraphim were worth more than the Gabriel, as was the destruction of the station. If God ordained that he should sacrifice himself and these three ships to thwart the continued Alliance invasion, so be it.

“Sir,” It was Captain Moss of the CSF Grace “The Alliance ships will detect us in a heartbeat if we charge up the FAP batteries!”

“Yes they will Captain, and if I know Alliance carrier Captains, they will race straight for us.” Jacob expected a little questioning from the Captains, he was the youngest Seneschal in the history of the Guardians after all.

“Increasing speed to full, batteries charging, shields raised.” Captain Mendes had a pretty good idea of what Jacob was thinking. “They have detected us sir, scanning us now. Request permission to have fleet fire pulse probes.”

Jacob was glad to have the seasoned Captain with him, he hadn’t even thought of launching the probes. Pulse probes were actually clusters of small EM Pulse bombs. A fired probe would spread its bomblets out in a net around a desired position. Any sub-space communications attempting to penetrate this net would set of one of the bomblets, effectively destroying the signal. “Permission granted Captain. All batteries, fire on my command. The Alliance ships will be in range in approximately 3 mikes.” The Alliance had indeed spotted them and was set on a collision course at maximum speed.

Onboard Alliance Space Fleet vessel ‘Majestic’

Red klaxons wailed throughout the combat information center (CiC), and Lieutenant Commander Maximillian Price found herself the center of attention. With Captain Dight and his XO still onboard the station, she was in command of the Majestic. “ Majestic, this is the Tactical Action Officer (TAO), Crucible ships have entered the Dartmouth system and are charging batteries, all hands to battle stations, prepare to scramble fighters, wings one, three and five, this is not a drill.” How she wished it was a drill. The Majestic had not completely recovered from the Battle of Acre and only fielded 4 fighter wings. “ Ensign Kelly, charge batteries and raise shields, weaps, get out an emergency broadcast to fleet HQ as follows: ‘we are under attack, Dartmouth, 1 crucible battle cruiser probably Gabriel, two heavy cruisers, Luther class’- shoot it out on all sub space frequencies.” “Yes Ma’am, message sent.”

“Batteries charged ma’am, shields are at 50% and climbing, we will be within torpedo range in 3 minutes, plasma range in 4. What are your orders Captain?”

She flinched at the word ‘Captain’, and for a second she was expecting Captain Dight to appear. This was the first time she was actually in command outside a few drills. “Their FAP cannons outrange our plasma weapons, we should close range as fast as possible to bring our full armament against them. Have the Thresher and Black Tip tie into our AI directly, bring the England to flank speed and set heading 030 degrees, have her fire torpedoes as soon as she is within range.”

Fear and nervousness turned to excitement and anticipation as Commander Price reminded herself that the Alliance out gunned the Crucible ships almost 2-1, not to mention complete fighter superiority. Oh, the Crucible ships would launch a handful of the superb Crusader space superiority fighters, but their numbers would pale in comparison to the three full wings of Raptors the Majestic would be belching from her three flight decks. The Alliance fleet would take some damage for sure, the Crucible FAP cannons significantly out ranged their own plasma batteries, but when the full brunt of the Alliance’s firepower came to bear, it would only be a matter of time. The thought of the accolades she would receive for commanding the fleet that saved Dartmouth made her smile.

“Torpedoes charged ma’am. Request permission to engage.” “Permission granted, target the Gabriel’s forward FAP batteries and bridge.” Her heart was racing as she watched 12 torpedoes, blue-white balls of swirling neutrons, fly from the Alliance ships on the tactical hollowed screen. The England would be releasing three more as soon as she came in range. “They have launched torpedoes as well ma’am, permission to engage with plasma batteries?” “Granted, but only one charge, I want full power when we reach range.” “Roger ma’am.”

She could now see the Crusader space fighters vectoring in from the Gabriel. Unlike the Raptors, the Crusader was designed specifically to engage other space fighters. The Raptor was capable of dog-fighting, but the micro neutron torpedo launchers that made them the bane of capital ships reduced their fighter on fighter capabilities. Price was a little concerned in this regard, the carrier’s fighter wings were already depleted, and whether the Raptors succeeded or not they would suffer heavy casualties.

Onboard CSF Gabriel:

Sub-Commander Asher Cook, known as Rev’ by most of the crew, hurriedly dressed into his pressure suit, his mind still spinning from the jump. The order had not yet come down, but Asher knew the ‘Lions of Judah’ would soon be called into action. Finally dressed, Asher made his way below decks to the hangar bay. Most of the Lions were already there, reviewing the mission briefing and awaiting the results of the first system scan. “Rev, over here buddy, scan is coming in now!” Tan Archer waved his
wingman over.

Asher flinched at the name ‘Rev’, he always did. His father had been a reverend on Acre before the planter was destroyed, along with Asher’s entire family. He had thought himself a ‘Revealing Pounder’, as his evangelistic father had been, he had never even felt like he truly belonged to the Jesuit Order from which his family hailed. As far as Asher was concerned the only thing he inherited from his father, may he walk with the Lord, was a nervous eye twitch and a rather unseemly drinking problem.

“Holy ****, it’s a damned carrier!” Some anonymous pilot yelled. Asher’s heart skipped a beat. In truth, it was excitement, the prospect of flying against a few Alliance cruisers had not appealed to him, the Crusader space fighter was not designed to fight against capital ships, it had no missiles or torpedoes that could penetrate a capital ships shields. With a carrier in system though, Asher knew the Lions would play a big role in the up coming fight.

The squadron gathered around a large ‘net screen. The mission had obviously changed, but in truth, this was what the Lions did best; frag Alliance fighters. Instead of providing a fighter screen against the meager fighter wings possibly dispatched from the station, the Lion’s would be fighting for space superiority, this was their game.

“What do you think Rev, we gonna make it outta this one?” Tan had been Asher’s only friend since they met at the Academy. Tan was outgoing, funny and a wonder with the ladies, Asher was none of these things. A childhood of feeling out of place had made Asher a rather solemn, pessimistic fellow. Eventually his years with Tan had brought out a little personality. They had flown together in the Battle of Ling Mai, where many of their most seasoned veterans had given their lives for the Crucible, evidenced by the presence of so many rookie pilots aboard the Gabriel. “When its your time, its your time, why worry about the details? I promise you won’t be late to your funeral buddy.” Asher was only half joking.

“Wow, as comforting as always Rev, you wanna read me my last rites now or wait until they suck whats left of me outta vacuum?” Tan shot back. Asher grinned, pulled his duranium crucifix out of his jacket. “Brother, confess your sins, free your soul fro…”
“Shaddup already, get in your damned fighter before I frag you myself!”
Tan was laughing.

Asher climbed into the cockpit of his SSF-13 Crusader. The craft was a major improvement over the older Avenger class fighter. The fuselage was rather short by fighter standards, 15 meters from nose to tail. The four wings were triangular, intersecting at 90 degree angles, and covered three quarters of the fuselage. Each wing was in reality a large Impact drive, creating kinetic energy against one another to allow the small craft to perform some pretty impressive maneuvers. The ‘nose’ of the fighter was short, squat and came to a gently rounded point. Positioned in the nose were two EM-50 cannons, excellent against small craft and fighters, but worthless for anything else. The engines where brand new AkaraTek HydroFlex reactors, and were capable of propelling the small vessels to over 5000 meters per second, thought combat speed was less than a quarter of that. Every detail in the design was oriented to out maneuver, out run and out wit enemy fighters.

Unlike the Alliance’s multi-role Raptor, the Crusaders sole mission in life was to sweep space clear of enemy fighters and maintain space superiority. The craft was painted a radioactive green, with a black lion’s head on either side of the cockpit . The ‘wings’ were adorned with the Crest of Zion, an ornate crucifix over crossed swords with a banner draped over the top reading ‘Semper Fidelis’, and tail/squadron numbers.

“Lion zero one, this is Gabriel control, prepare for launch.” Tan hated the monotone voice of Ensign Sanchez. “Gabriel control, this is Lion zero one, roger.”
“Alright people, you heard ‘em, light your reactors!” Tan linked to the fighters AI, suddenly his vision was filled with various control readouts and the familiar heads up display (HUD).

“Lion zero one, this is Gabriel control, you are clear to launch, God be with you.”

Asher was the first to clear the flight deck, a familiar sensation of comfort filling him as zero gravity took over. The Lions were assuming their formations, three separate wings of nine fighters each. Asher centered the enemy carrier in his HUD and zoomed in. The enemy fighters had already launched. He counted 75 total.

“Alright boys and girls, time to earn our pay.” Tan took great pleasure in reminding the newly arrived pilots of his senority. “Remember your training, stick with your wingman and some of you might just make it out of this alive. Got anything for us Rev’?”

Asher cleared his throat. “We are all probably gonna die, and considering I don’t like most of you, I plan to take with me as many of these Alliance bastards as I can, give me someone to hangout with in purgatory.”

“Jovial as always rev’, Ill make sure to pick you out a few friends.” Tan signaled his wingman to break away with him, and the whole formation broke into pairs. Asher and Tan took the lead with the rest of the fighters forming a net behind them. The Alliance Raptors used plasma weapons, easy to avoid, but when they outnumbered you three to one, the last thing you wanted was to get surrounded.

Tan switched to channel 15, all squadron “Alright Lions, fox ten!” 27 Babel missiles rocketed out from the Crucible formation, lancing towards the cloud of Alliance fighters. The Babel missile was derived from the Pulse Probe, but instead of EM bomblets, the Babel released clouds of tiny ‘Babel driods’. These tiny robots would adhere to any fighter not transmitting the correct IFF codes and migrate towards any transmitter it detected. Once it found the transmitter it would scramble that fighters IFF codes, the effect was that the Alliance fleet would see its own fighters as enemies.

“Alright rev, break 90 degrees vert and wait for me to pick up a tail.” Tan shouted.

“Amen brother, time to make some friends!” Asher slammed his fighter into a controlled spin 90 degrees away from Tan, his impact drives humming with energy, while Tan dove straight through the Alliance lines, his nimble fighter easily avoiding the hail of plasma. The Alliance formation flashed by them and Asher spun his fighter 180 degrees to come directly behind Tan. Predictably, a few Alliance fighters were tailing him, trying to line up a shot. Tan was doing great work maneuvering through the plasma pouring his way from his pursuers, but he had already taken a few hits. “Damnit Rev, anytime now!” Asher locked onto the lead Raptor and unleashed a deluge of duranium bolts. The lead fighter flamed and the second fighter in line banked right to come around Asher’s flank. Asher couldn’t break the AIs lock on what was left of the lead fighter fast enough, so he manually targeted the last fighter by banking hard 20 degrees right and slamming the impact drives to overload for a second. The stream of duranium slugs deviated from the AI’s auto-track position just long enough to shear a wing off the last pursuer, sending him spinning into vacuum.
Part 2- Its was a long chapter...


“Nice job Rev’, hows about next time you do that before I get shot?” Tan was bringing his Crusader in a loop over Asher, at the last second he redlined the top two Impact drives, spinning him back down on top of the fighter who was trying to line up Asher. A short burst of the EM-50 tore him out of the sky. “See, that’s how its done mate.” Asher quipped back “Seems like I’m still one up on ya old buddy, but I’m sure your used to that!”

On board ASF Majestic

“ Five enemy torpedoes dispersed, five more will impact in one minute twenty seconds ma’am, all appear to be targeted at the England.”

“The England?! That’s almost insulting, Ensign, patch me to Captain Stark.”

“Roger ma’am.

England, the Crucible ships have selected you as primary. Take evasive action immediately.” It made some sense after all, five torpedoes could cause complete shield failure on the England while the Majestic would shrug them off with little effect.

“Approaching FAP cannon range ma’am.”

“Roger Ensign, all hands brace for impact, link the England to our AI once the torpedoes have impacted.”

The Crucible FAP cannons fired, eight from the Battle Cruiser and four each from the Luther’s. The AI quickly confirmed they had targeted the England. “Is the England linked to our AI yet?” “Yes ma’am, link confirmed.” “Excellent, initiate evasive maneuver package delta five for the England.” “Roger, ma’am, initiating evasive maneuvers.” The Majestic’s AI was far superior to that of the older cruiser and would prove far more effective at evading the Crucible barrage.

Nano-seconds passed, a bright flash erupted from somewhere between the Majestic and the England, who still had not moved from her previous course, the super concentrated bolts of protons where only moments from impact. “Ensign, move the ******* ship now or they are scrap!”

“I’m trying ma’am!” Another bright flash.

“Ma’am!” It was the Comms officer “The Crucible has launched a scrambler net, the EM flashes are disrupting our subspace transmitters, every time we send out a signal, it sets off one of the EM charges!”

Too late commander Price relinquished command of the England and both Mako’s. Five torpedoes struck just forward of the England’s superstructure, overloading her shields and ripping armored deck plates apart. All 16 bolts then impacted the doomed cruiser. With her shields down there was little to stop the proton bolts from ripping the ship apart. The FAPs had been aimed amidships topside, the angle of approach causing them to impact at a low angle-of-attack, ripping the England’s hull completely off the topside decks. The containment fields for the fully charged plasma cannons failed, releasing giant blue gusts of star-hot plasma. The ship, completely engulfed in plasma, listed hard to port and began to drift, still being ripped apart by secondary explosions. Price involuntarily gasped at the sudden loss of her second heaviest ship. Anger and vengeance now replaced excitement and anticipation.

The fight for space superiority was raging between the two ships. Clouds of relatively tiny fighters swirled every which way, with small explosions marking the death of some anonymous pilot. The IFF readouts on the tactical holonet indicated that most of the explosions were Raptors, but their numbers were slowly winning the day. The ‘net also showed the Gabriel’s shields at 40%, the torpedoes had done their job.

“Ma’am, we are within plasma range, request permission to fire.” “Affirmative, release all batteries on the Crucible battle cruiser, make those fanatics pay!” The ‘net screen suddenly filled with giant balls of whirling plasma. While they where slow in comparison to the Crucible FAP cannons, even one impact could cause severe damage. “Ma’am, the Crucible cruisers are moving to cover the flagship!”. She expected this, the cruisers still had full shields and could survive one or two hits, which was fine, they were next anyways and the torpedo mags had recharged. “Fire all torpedoes, full spread, let’s give them something to dodge, order all fighters to cease combat and release their torpedoes!” She sat back with a knowing smile. The Raptors had suffered heavy casualties, but there were still dozens in operation, all releasing smaller versions of the Majestic’s torpedoes. The ‘net was filled with tiny blue dots, all heading towards the Crucible fleet at random angles. There was no way the Crucible ships could dodge all these.

She watched anxiously the plasma bolts streaking towards the enemy. The myriad of full and micro torpedoes only seconds behind. This was the principle Alliance strategy in fleet warfare, overwhelming firepower. The Crucible had better shields and fighters, but even the ultra-fast, long ranged FAP cannons couldn’t hold a candle to a single ball of plasma. She smiled when the first of the plasma reached a target, the ‘net identifying it as the CSF Grace. The ship was soon engulfed as the plasma spread out to cover the unfortunate ships shields, completely overwhelming them. A second bolt clipped the Grace’s bow, cleanly removing the forward-most ten meters of the ship. Another two bolts caught the Faith amidships, leaving nearly all of the ships port side armor a molten slag. She glanced back to the torpedoes, the nail in the coffin. Four of them suddenly burst in mid-flight, three more followed.

Free-space, SSF-13a Crusader, tail number 02

“ Whats that, 12 for me, six for you?” Asher loved pushing Tans buttons. “Yeah mate, but if you notice, I haven’t let them touch you, Ive taken more hits than a pachyderm in a hailstorm!” Tan really was worried, the last engagement had cost him his lower port side impact drive.

“Hey, don’t blame me for your mediocre piloting old buddy, Im doing my best to keep you alive.” Asher said.

The Lion’s were beginning to get the upper hand, though too many of their shipmates had already fallen. Suddenly the enemy fighters broke off and began torpedo runs towards the Gabriel. “****, frag ‘em fast boys and girls, don’t let them get off those torpedoes!” It was too late, the 26 remaining Raptors all launched their micro torpedoes. In doing so, they lost half their number, the rest did their best to bug out, flying full throttle towards the Majestic, hoping her point defense systems could buy them a safe landing.

“Tan…the Gabriel cant survive this, the damned carrier just launched her torps’ too...” Asher’s tone took a turn for the serious. “ Roger that mate, what you propose we do.” Tan had a good idea of what needed to be done, but the thought of his wife and kids waiting for him in Antioch turned his stomach.

“ Don’t give me that **** Tan, pass the word or I will!” Asher was serious, he may not be the man his father was, but he was still a man of God, the Word was worth more than his self.

“Lions of Judah, this is Commander Archer, initiate fleet defense plan omega three nine zero, do your fragging best to punch out, but in the end, remember what we are fighting for.” Tan couldn’t believe he had given the order. “Rev’, you think you could give us some inspiring words?”

Asher looked down at his Crucifix, using his faith to strengthen his resolve “Psalm 18 of the revealing; ‘The Lord is my rock’” Asher vectored his Crusader towards the nearest Torpedo, “ ‘My fortress and my deliverer’” The blue-white glow of the neutron cluster filled the cockpit “ It is he in whom I take refuge, he is my shield and the horn of my salvation!”

On board Alliance carrier Majestic

“What the hell is going on with the torpedoes? Are they firing FAP cannons?”

“Negative ma’am, the Crucible fighters are ramming them!” ****. She hadn’t thought of that. The fanatics where known for self sacrifice, but this went beyond the norm. Nearly every one of the torpedoes met with a similar fate.

Another barrage was incoming from the Gabriel, the AI indicated that the Black Tip was the intended target. With no communication, she could only hope that the Captain moved the ship in time.

“Captain, I am receiving transmission from Dartmouth station, but the scrambler net is ******* up the signal, it is coming in over an emergency channel!” “Scan the station, see if there are any more Crucible ships in system. How long until plasma recharge?” “45 seconds captain, one minute 30 seconds on the torpedoes.” “The Black Tip has taken multiple hits Captain, no readout in the AI, but I would say she is finished” “Negative on that scan ma’am, I believe the EM blasts are fragging our sensors, the scan showed nothing, not even Dartmouth station.” “Copy that, must be a problem in aft sensor array, forward sensors are working fine, launch a probe” “Yes ma’am.”

The Gabriel was firing another barrage, probably to finish off the Black Tip. The two Crucible heavy cruisers were heavily damaged and seemed to be acting as a torpedo screen, re-directing all power from the FAP cannons to the point defense systems. Three torpedoes lanced out from the Gabriel as she turned to face the carrier.

“Plasma online ma’am.” Finally. “ Target the Gabriel, direct path, she has no room to maneuver now!” Plasma raced out from the Majestic on a straight course for the Gabriel. The battle cruiser fired her emergency thrusters and flipped 180 degrees upward. Another common Crucible maneuver, nicknamed the ‘Porpoise’, exposing the heavily armored belly of the battle cruiser. Three plasma bolts impacted roughly 100 meters apart. The shields overloaded within nano-seconds, the plasma began eating away at the armored underside of the Gabriel.

“Direct hit, sensors show her flight deck has been destroyed, all capacitors overloaded. She’s a goner Captain!” Cheers followed, it seemed that the battle would soon be over. “She’s not dead yet, torpedoes online?” “In twenty seconds ma’am.” “Target the Gabriel’s superstructure, flight pla…” Price was cut off by the weapons officer “Ma’am, aft sensor array is picking up anonymous energy reading 100 kilometers aft.” This was puzzling, it would make sense for the Station to begin charging her defense platforms, but they were at least 2000km behind them, and if the aft array could detect an energy reading, why could it not detect the station?

“Patch it into the ‘net, are torpedoes ready to fire?” “Five seconds ma’am!” The ‘net now showed empty space. Where could the energy be coming from? Had a fighter snuck around their flank? Price dismissed the thought, a fighter couldn’t possibly harm the Majestic, nor did a fighter’s reactor generate enough energy to trip a sensor alarm. She panned the viewer 45 degrees in either direction, saw nothing, then centered again. Just as she was about to switch back to forward, four beams of blue light projected from an empty area of space, illuminating the aft portion of her ship, then they flashed a brilliant white.

“We are hit! Shields down, hull breeches on levels zero through forty! Containment fields activated, main reactor offline!” The weapons officer was clearly terrified.

“What the **** was that!?” The lights dimmed. Emergency lighting colored the CiC in a ghostly red. The ‘net flickered and went down. “We have been hit by PAC cannon ma’am, main reactor offline, secondary reactor at 30% and dropping!” The Gabriel was now closing on them. The Black Tip was out of commission and the Thresher was heavily damaged. The Raptor fighters would be helpless without their link to the Majestic’s AI. This battle was over, but she would not hear anyone cheering her name anytime soon. Fear was back, how long now until the Gabriel finished them off? Price thought about her husband and newborn back on Mars and began to cry.
At more than 4500 words this is way too lengthy for a worthwhile critique. Try breaking it up a bit, if possible.
Yeah, its pretty long. Not really looking for a critique as much as how fun it was to read, if at all. I rarely post entire chapters, but being my first attempt at combat I just wanted to know if it was enjoyable.
In that case when I have some free time I'll give it a read and let you know.
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