3.17: Sunday


Non Bio
Staff member
Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town
A day off in Atlantis turns deadly when both the city and the Expedition are devastated by explosions.

Not having read any spoilers for this I was very surprised. Especially as Carson had been billed as a big signing as a regular character this season.

If you don't know what I mean and don't want to be spoiled read no further.

The episode was interesting for the direction, the multipul back-and-forth flashbacks and flash-forwards, that although complex, were easy to follow.

The plot of the episode did strike me, and this has been noticed on other forums, as remarkably similar to the SG-1 episode where Janet Frasier dies.

Also, isn't Elizabeth Weir still married? I mean she can do what she likes, but that would have given her a good excuse not too, and she seemed to be looking for one.

Anyway, as a character building exercise it was a good episode. There was more information revealed about everyone. It was good to see many old faces from previous episodes. Sorry to see Carson go though, he was one of my favourites.
It was really sad to see Dr. Carson go, he was one of my favourite characters too.

The plot of the episode did strike me, and this has been noticed on other forums, as remarkably similar to the SG-1 episode where Janet Frasier dies.

Yes I noticed that.

Also, isn't Elizabeth Weir still married? I mean she can do what she likes, but that would have given her a good excuse not too, and she seemed to be looking for one.

I knew she had a relationship but I didn't know she was married.

I'm begining not to like these Ancients...who would come up with an exploding tumour???:eek: :confused:
I'm begining not to like these Ancients...who would come up with an exploding tumour???:eek: :confused:

That one came as a surprise to me! I tuned in for the first time in ages, and I certainly wasn't expecting a storyline like that. I didn't expect the ending, either.
I liked Carson's character very much, and I am shocked and saddened that he has been written out of the show. There must be a reason for his leaving. Has anyone got any clues?
I join you all in my surprise that they killed off Carson. It was a good storyline, some of the best writing in weeks I would say, but did the doc have to go? So many people were shocked that they did it, even those who had read spoilers. It seems that no-one knows why he was killed off, and if they do, they're not telling.

I wonder if Dr Lam is next to die? - they seem to have a thing for killing off their lead doctors. First Janet and now Carson, where will it end?
Another point is now that Carson is gone, who will take his place? We need a new doctor, and we need someone else to represent Britain in the multi-national team (preferably Scottish - but that's just cos I am!)

I enjoyed the episode as it was a character building story. We learned something about quite a few characters and their relationships, or allusions to possible relataionships. The whole thing at the end with Carson and McKay was quite touching - another glimpse of the fragile human being that McKay is beneath his hard shell of the superiority complex. The only point that I'd raise about it would be - explosive tumors??? Who the hell came up with that one, and what were they taking at the time?

One final note - I thought that Elizabeth Weir had a relationship with 'Narim' (well, same actor - different character, can't remember the name!)
I want to ask, what is with this franchise and killing off the doctors?

Yeah - SciFi is all weird and made us wait forever to see the back-half of the season...

when i have more brain i'll contribute actual discussion...
Weir and that guy broke up because they decided the long-distance thing just couldn't work.

Dr. Carson was not intended to be a main-cast character in the first place, but a frequently recurring guest character. He got promoted to main cast due to fan reaction from the first season, but then some say they didn't seem to really know what to do with him because he still didn't seem to really be getting used, and having to write for something/someone you didn't plan on and don't know how to use can become a burden, both creatively and financially. Some could also see his departure as a Voyager-like conspiracy, an excuse to bring in his replacement. The new doctor will be played by Jewel Staite.

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