Hammer's Slammers


Feb 24, 2007
Just did a search on this forum and there are no topics about Hammer's Slammers? :eek: :p Well, looks like I have something to do now. Has anyone read this series of short stories by David Drake? In my opinion they're a no-nonsense, gritty look at the harsh realities of war. There is no glorification or whitewashing of war in the stories; war is told as it is. Yes, that's a common theme now, but Drake is generally credited with helping to create the military science fiction genre.
Yes, read and enjoyed, though they're not my favorite David Drake books.(Still, it's not my least favorite, either)
Actually, when I think about it, most of his series that I've really enjoyed have been collaborations (the Raj Whitehall books, the Belisarius series) rather than those he wrote on his own; I'm not quite sure what conclusion to draw from this.
The character in the books were not nice people . Major Steuben was the worst of them, He was a Psycho.
I‘ve read a couple of the Hammer’s Slammers novels and they were fine, but Drake is in no way credited with creating the mil-sf genre. Smith, Chandler, Laumer, Heinlein, and Haldeman were there much earlier.
I‘ve read a couple of the Hammer’s Slammers novels and they were fine, but Drake is in no way credited with creating the mil-sf genre. Smith, Chandler, Laumer, Heinlein, and Haldeman were there much earlier.

Also Gordon R Dickson's Dorsal series . :)
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