The Atlantis team finds an Ancient underwater research facility and puts a team together to check it out. They believe they may have discovered a power source beneath Atlantis' ocean. Instead they find a Queen Wraith trapped aboard her damaged Hive ship. She takes control of Teyla and almost defeats the team, killing off the two obvious spot-the-red-shirts introduced at the start of the episode. After capturing her they hatch an elaborate bluff and counter-bluff plan to get her to disable the self-destruct system she has operated, and succeed in the final five minutes of the episode.
These episodes have such a formula to them now, I think I could write my own. I'm going to have to, because since I can no longer get Sky One, I'm not going to see any more for some time.
These episodes have such a formula to them now, I think I could write my own. I'm going to have to, because since I can no longer get Sky One, I'm not going to see any more for some time.