How Important?


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2006
So, when you are 'enjoying' a fantasy - how important are various aspects to you the reader?

a. political skullduggery - all the behind the scenes wheeler dealing that would put Del Boy to shame?

b. fast paced narrative - action driven or character driven?

c. religious exploration/theology - re-inventing christianity, or neo-paganism or?

d. originality of setting - or a reworking of medieval europe yet again?

e. lushness of detail - dwelling on the chitinous wings of a mayfly for fifteen lines?

f. cast - a few key players or an endless world of movers and shakers?

g. heroes to cheer for - or anti-heroes to follow to the end of the world?

Add to your list? I am curious, as a guy planning my first major world-building what do these readers love, what do you hate?
It really depends on my mood. I love the political intrigue of Martin's ASOIAF.The vast cast of characters and complexity of Erikson's Malazan series.Although sometimes I prefer only one or two central characters like Donaldson's Thomas Covenant. I also like my villians grey.
