(Found) Looking for fantasy book from early 90's


New Member
Mar 21, 2007
Ok, i read this book when i was in junior high in about 1994.

On the front cover was this guy either having a skull for a head, or a mask that looked like a skull. He was also on top of a horse on the cover.

For the story, i think it was about some kids that somehow entered a different reality that was not theirs. Also, they met this wizard who was not good at magic.

The one true things i do remember is them being stuck in a castle which callasped, and the wizard shooting an arrow which transformed into a web. The magic was weak, and the enemy who got caught was able to get out though?

Any ideas?
Another thing i remember is that the enemies burned live humans in a hanging wicker/wooden baskets....??
Sounds slightly like "The Wicker Man" but I couldn't swear to it. However, welcome to the Chrons ioi8 - you should be able to find the answer to your question here. If you can't, well, I don't reckon you'll find it anywhere else!
Parts of your description sound very much like The Book of Three by Lloyd Alexander ... but other parts not at all. Could you be remembering two different books? (There's an older edition that depicts the Horned King mounted on the cover.)

The Book of Three (novel) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You know... looking at that cover, i think this might be the book. And reading the discription, i think it is the book. Your right, i probably did throw in some things that were not part of the story. Thanks very much.
