Phil Brown
Writes as Wyken Seagrave
Am I the only one using speech synthesis software to proof read my work? I use TextAloud but I'm sure there are others just as good. I find I hear things quite differently from the way they look on paper. I record chapters onto mini-disc and review them while walking or driving. I record my comments onto a microcassette recorder then come home and update.
The quality of standard voices is not brilliant but AT&T voices are perfectly acceptable. An author once recommended that you should listen to a poor reader reading your work, so you see how bad it can get. These voices are far better than the dullest human you might imagine.
I think also I've got some sort of mental block about reading with my eyes. I hate doing it, but I'll happily listen to somebody else reading it out. In fact I use TextAloud while I'm writing. I'll write a paragraph then listen to it and revise it. Maybe I'm just lazy.
You can try the software free at - Download TextAloud - The Power of Spoken Audio
And by using wireless headphones I can proof (and even listen to entries in this incredible bulletin board) while doing otherwise totally pointless activities like cleaning my teeth or cooking dinner.
The quality of standard voices is not brilliant but AT&T voices are perfectly acceptable. An author once recommended that you should listen to a poor reader reading your work, so you see how bad it can get. These voices are far better than the dullest human you might imagine.
I think also I've got some sort of mental block about reading with my eyes. I hate doing it, but I'll happily listen to somebody else reading it out. In fact I use TextAloud while I'm writing. I'll write a paragraph then listen to it and revise it. Maybe I'm just lazy.
You can try the software free at - Download TextAloud - The Power of Spoken Audio
And by using wireless headphones I can proof (and even listen to entries in this incredible bulletin board) while doing otherwise totally pointless activities like cleaning my teeth or cooking dinner.