Book Giveaway: The Summoner by Gail Martin


Fierce Vowelless One
Apr 25, 2003
Help! I'm stuck in the forums!
I have an extra copy of Gail Martin's The Summoner to give away (Review of the book ). The rules are simple. You must reply to this post with your own ghost story. Have you seen a ghost? Felt one in an old house? Your cousin saw one and fainted? Anything of that sort that isn't made up. One entry per person. I will then close the thread (evening EST this Sunday the 1st) and randomize a winner (put all the names in a hat and have the FIL pull one out). I'll post and pm the winner and mail the book to them as soon thereafter as I can get to the post office.

Have fun!!
Nobody has any ghost stories? Goodness. Ok, rule change. You may make them up (this is the aspiring authors board after all) if you like.

I'll throw in a possible ghost story of my own to get y'all started:

My hubby and I lived in this very old apartment building that was located right on the Potomac river. We had one cat originally and when hubby complained that the cat liked me better than him, I went off and got him one. The former owners (or perhaps their kids) must have frightened this cat to death. When I got him home (deaf by now from the screams) he hid behind the couch for two weeks (we assume he came out to eat at night, but we never saw him once other than to check that he was still alive). Once he got used to us and our other cat, he would wander around and find cool places to sleep (clean laundry, table tops, drawers). One day I walked into the apartment and in the foyer sat the cat, staring at a space about six feet in the air. He never looked at me as I came in (cats will usually at least, look to see that our clumsy bodies can make it through the door okay, and if not rush to provide propulsion assistance to our shins). I really didn't think much of it and wandered off, checking the mail and whatnot. About a half an hour later, I had settled on the couch with a book. I saw a shadow out of the corner of my eye. I looked over and could see that the cat had moved into the living room but was still staring at a space about six feet off the ground. I saw, what looked to me, to be the shadow of a black man wearing a tan leather suit with a matching hat. I said 'hi' he nodded and faded out. As that happened, the cat stopped looking and came to see me. Who knows if I was just overworked or not, but that's what I thought I saw.
This is actually a genuine story.

I grew up in Boston, but my mother decided to move south to North Carolina, and though I was already prepared to move out of the house, even at a younger age than most kids do, I decided to go with her. After we moved she chose to go through BLET (Basic Law Enforcement Training; the Police Academy) but during school she picked up a job at a southern-style steak house named Madison’s Prime Rib. It was located in Mount Olive, a town about twenty minutes from where we lived.

She had been working there for several months without incident, and I and my sister visited her pretty regularly to eat and help clean up when she was about to get off. Being that BLET was not that demanding (which explains the lack of capable cops) she took a manager position and started working a full time schedule. Not soon after she took the position she requested I go with her every night, to help close up and sit with her while she did the books; which were done well after everyone had left. I obliged, of course (on the basis that I be paid for services rendered).

So, I helped her out for a few weeks and nothing particularly amazing happened. Then, one night, as I was taking some of the buffet trays from the main dining hall, I heard what sounded a lot like a baby crying. It didn’t occur to me then what that might mean, and so I put down the trays and began searching for what I thought was a baby someone had left behind. Now, a bit of explanation is in order. Between the two dining halls there was the door to the kitchen and the main foyer. The place I had just come from was the non-smoking section, and was well-lit and in a generally welcoming disposition. Where I was standing when my heart dropped from my chest, was right in front of the kitchen door.

I looked into the dark room of the smoking section and in the back right corner, against the far wall, there was a wrap around banquet. The tables had been relieved of their tablecloths, but the area underneath the table was almost completely shrouded in darkness. I heard the crying again, and I had a very sickening sensation in my stomach, as it now sounded a bit…unnatural? Well, I sat there, staring into the room, when I saw the image of a small child outlined in the shadows underneath that corner banquet. What was amazing to me was that it didn’t quite register, and I actually stepped a little closer. The shadow then moved, or rather writhed, and disappeared back under the table. Then, the crying again, and the moisture, as I had now wet myself.

I was going to scream, but it came out as a mix between a yell and a sob. I have never, and probably will never be, as scared as I was at that very moment (and that's impressive, considering I grew up in a violent project area in South Boston, and have seen quite a bit of death in my life). There was no warmth in my body at all, and if I could explain the feeling I had it was like stepping off a very twisty rollercoaster. My stomach was in knots.

When my mother yanked me by the arm I was thankful I had nothing more inside my body to soil myself with, as it scared the living daylights out of me. She said nothing at all, just looked at me in a way I can still not explain. She grabbed her purse, practically threw me out the door, locked up, and directed me to the car, which she started, put in gear, and drove as quickly as the old Blazer would go.

My mom was a Mass. Girl from Dorchester Heights, born and raised, old school Sicilian Italian, her parents right off the boat. To say she’s a skeptical, hard-boiled woman would be an understatement. She was moody, aggressive, and generally scared of nothing save being without a glass of wine at dinner. But, when my mom got back home, she didn’t look like my usual mother anymore. To put it bluntly, she looked terrified. I know in most situations kids are supposed to ask all kinds of inquisitive questions about things they don’t understand, but I couldn’t find my voice or my stomach, and so I went to my room, turned on the light and tried to sleep; I failed miserably.

We didn’t talk about what had happened for a very long time and the only reason we had was because the restaurant had been closed down. All the windows had been shattered and the place was completely destroyed (in an attempted robbery, but after what I’d seen, I doubted that). She was put on paid leave until they fixed it back up, and she sat me down to explain.

After she had been working there for a while, she started hearing the cries and moans as well. She let them go, as she was unconvinced anything strange was going on. One morning, she came to open up the store, and found that the entire assortment of crab-leg tongs had gone missing; overnight, when nobody had been in the restaurant. A bit perturbed at that point, she literally screamed out for them to be put back. These kinds of odd things happened quite a bit, and I learned that was why she had been asking me to come with her at night. She was scared.

She explained that another waitress under her employment had also worked at the restaurant previous and, coincidently, the one prior to that. It had been a Mexican restaurant by the name of El Korita (I don’t know if that’s the exact spelling) before it had been Madison’s, and originally it had been a place called Charlie’s. This waitress heard my mom talking about what she’d been hearing…and seeing…on the phone with a family member, and decided to approach her. She explained that El Korita had had similar problems, and that the business had been broken into several times and had to close. They had also lost quite a bit of their staff, who complained about “strange occurrences.” I don’t know if this is a stereotype, but my mother said the waitress referred to them as being a very superstitious people.

The crux, as it were, was that the restaurant prior to it, Charlie’s, had been a family owned business and a staple of the community for years. The story this woman told was that the owner at the time it closed had two small sons, and that they had been playing hide-and-seek when one of the sons went missing. They searched and searched for the boy, but couldn’t find him, and eventually had to return home. In the morning the kitchen staff had come in and started warming the ovens, and it wasn’t long after that one of them smelled something peculiar and opened the questionable oven, to find the badly burned and unfortunately deceased son of the restaurant’s owner. I’m not privy to the details, but my guess is that he had hid in one of the ovens and could not get out, as I’ve seen ovens of the sort, and they click locked when closed, with a small button under the handle that has to be pressed to open them. He had probably suffocated and died long before being burned, but either way, the story made the hair on the back of my neck rise (and still does, even as I type this).

I honestly can’t tell you that the tale is true, as there are some factors that are a bit hard to swallow; namely, no one being in the kitchen to see the young boy get into one of the stoves, or the stoves not being on and hot during normal business hours (this is my assumption, they could very well have been closed for the evening). But, what I can assure you of is what I saw and heard. I never believed in ghosts and I certainly never wanted to be proven wrong in a “see-it-to-believe-it” sort of way, but there it is.

I have seen some thngs since, but nothing of that sort. I hate to sound melodramatic, but I still think about it on a consistent basis, and maybe someone else that's had a similar experience can vouch that something of this ilk is never forgotten about.
Definitely a memorable story! I'd have been scared too! Since you were the only one who responded, I declare you the winner! PM me your snail address an I'll ship off your book.

Damn! That'll teach me to go away for the weekend and not catch up on Chronicles beforehand! However, I very much doubt I could outdo Commonmind on this, so well done to you!
Now why didn't I look at this thread before... I have genuine ghost stories...

However, I dare not read or write any at the moment... I actually stopped reading the thread after
"My hubby and I lived in this very old apartment building that was located right on the Potomac river."

I've started reading Exorcist (just wanted to see how different it is from the movie) but since I am such a coward, I only read it when I am not alone in the house, and now i come across this thread... and I think I am starting to see.. no.. things unseen are better left unsaid or else they become real... no no no no no! unreal!

I'll come back in the evening when I am not alone in the house and maybe tell you a ghost story.
I'm sorry I missed this until now. I do have a good story which happened to my mother in a house we lived in that I am convinced was haunted/had something wrong with it. Yeah, I know, I don't believe in that stuff...but you had to be there.

Unfortunately, I have just been informed that if I have to go out for anything this evening, I will do it now. So I'll try to come back later this evening and tell you all about that house and what my mother (and I) experienced there.
Okay. Having returned from Office Depot (had to buy ink for my printer), I'll tell you the story of the house I lived in for four and a half years in the mid 1970s.

It was your average tract home, three bedrooms, two baths, and no back yard to speak of (but it did have a really big covered patio). It wasn't old enough to have accumulated any sort of "energies", or one would think. But the whole time we lived in that house, weird stuff kept happening and I was just sort of uncomfortable there a lot of the time.

First, the story of my mother's experience. She was asleep one night, alone because my father was out of town on business. She never slept well when he was away, and that night wasn't any different. Sometime in the middle of the night, she woke up facing the closet. The closet was closed, but both large sliding doors were covered by mirrors.

When she opened her eyes she saw what she assumed to be me, standing in the door to the bathroom and bending over as if I were towel-drying my hair. She wondered what I was doing up washing my hair in the middle of the night and turned over to ask me. Except that it wasn't me...or anyone else. Thinking that she had just imagined it, she turned back to face the mirror. was, was still there, still doing whatever it is she/it was doing. I can't recall if she got up and went to sleep on the couch...I certainly would have if it had been me.

She didn't tell me about this experience right away; she didn't want to frighten me. In fact, it wasn't until after my father passed away that she told me that story. It's very true that she could have been dreaming, but it seems like if that had been all it was, she wouldn't have remembered the incident or thought to tell me about it later. In any case, my mother is a very down-to-earth person who wouldn't immediately assume that something like that had any supernatural overtones and would instead just assume that she had been dreaming or seeing things, and certainly wouldn't have ever told anyone about it.

And I likely wouldn't have assigned any importance to her story if it hadn't been for the things I experienced in that house. My experiences weren't so dramatic as some sort of materialization or anything...although a piece of paper did apparently dematerialize in my presence once. I didn't actually see it disappear, but I saw it fall and it never did hit the floor.

What happened was, I was doing homework (I was a senior in high school at the time) and had a card table set up in the spare bedroom, where I had my bookshelves. I was typing a paper (that was pre-pc, and we had to actually type papers back then), and was almost finished when I needed to use one more sheet of paper to complete the assignment. Conveniently, there was one blank sheet sitting on the table, back near the edge of the table farthest from me. I reached out to pick it up and instead sent it slipping over the back edge of the table. No problem. I got up to pick the sheet off the floor. The problem was that there was no sheet of paper on the floor anywhere it could possibly have fallen. I looked all over that room, and even outside where it couldn't have gone, and there was not one loose sheet of paper, used or blank, in the room. It was just...gone. I must have looked for that thing for an hour, and it wasn't that large room.

I didn't like going in that room for awhile after that.

The other big thing that made me uncomfortable in the house wasn't really one big thing, but a lot of little things. The whole time we lived in that house, I would hear people saying my name. Many times, this would happen when there was no one else in the house, no radios or tvs on, and as far as I could ever tell, no one outside close enough that I could hear a quiet voice saying my name. We lived with a freeway pretty much in our front yard, and so if it had been someone outside, they would have had to talk in louder than a normal tone of voice to be heard inside, and I've found that that sounds different than a conversational tone even when the person talking is far enough away for it to sound quiet. So, I don't think there is a realistic chance that it was someone outside doing it. That, and the fact that it happened at all times of the day or night, over the whole time we lived there. It wasn't an everyday thing, but I'd say that a week never went by that it didn't happen at least once. Along with the hearing my name said, I often also felt someone tapping me on the shoulder when there was no one there to do so. Which was really creepy.

Now, if this was a common occurrence when I lived other places, I really wouldn't think anything of it, other than that I might be prone to hallucination. But the voice (it was always the same one) and the tapping didn't happen before we moved into that house, and it never happened, as far as I can recall, since we moved from that house. I have no explanations, only the stories, which are quite true.

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